智慧設計思維 — 網上工作坊
Smart Design Thinking — Online Workshop
Here is a chance to experience Design Thinking which was mentioned in the Smart Talk. The Smart CUHK Challenge will organise a Design Thinking workshop. Learners will gain knowledge of a human-centred approach to create a smart campus. Hands-on practice available in the workshop. CUHK students, colleagues and alumni are welcome to join.
LUMA Practitioner梅詩華及其團隊將為是次工作坊領航。團隊來自一口設計工作室,為首間獲得B Corp認證的建築公司。此外,Studio Doozy的Emily將以其智能產品作為案例,導引學員認識設計思維五部曲。
The workshop will be led by LUMA Practitioner Sarah and her team from One Bite Design Studio, which is the first B Corp certified architecture firm dedicated to creating positive impact through multi-disciplinary design. In addition, Emily from Studio Doozy will showcase their smart product as a guide to the five steps of Design Thinking.
日期: | 2022年3月5 – 6日(星期六及日) |
Date: | 5 – 6 March 2022 (Saturday & Sunday) |
時間: | 上午十時正至下午一時正 |
Time: | 10:00 – 13:00 |
語言 : | 粵語 |
Language: | Cantonese |
形式: | 線上 |
Format: | Online |
1. 工作坊將透過Zoom及Miro / gather.town於網上進行,參加者務必使用桌面/手提電腦。平板電腦或電話可能出現支援問題。同時請確保視訊及話音設備運作正常。Workshop will be conducted online using Zoom and Miro / gather.town. Participants are strongly advised to join with desktop / notebook computers instead of tablets or phones. Please also make sure that the video and audio devices are working properly.
2. 三月三日(四)晚上六時至七時特設Miro / gather.town 導修時段供新用家參與,請即報名預留位置。A tutorial on Miro / gather.town will be provided for users who are new to this platform on 3 Mar 2022 (Thu) 18:00-19:00. Register now to grab your seat.
名額有限,報名從速! Quota limited. First-come-first-served!
立即報名 Register Now: bit.ly/3sz1SDp
導師 Lead Facilitator
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梅詩華 Sarah Mui
Co-Founder & Design Director, One Bite Design Studio
建築師梅詩華(Sarah)相信設計能夠發起行動、創造改變,因而致力把以人為本的設計思維融入協力創作當中,連繫大眾與社區空間、建立社區的凝聚力。其設計範疇包括公共空間、社會設計及跨界別創意策略,由梅主理的一口設計工作室是香港建築業界首間獲B Corp認證的設計工作室,致力透過創意思維連繫商業、公共事業界別及社區。
Sarah is a catalytic architect. She brings collaborative creations that are grounded in user-centred design thinking, to connect people to the space in their community and strengthen the social fabric. She focuses on public space, social design and cross-disciplinary creative strategy. Leading the first B Corp in Hong Kong from the architectural industry, she and her team at onebite bridges commercial & public sector with the community through their creative ideas. From the Kai Yip Play Space in Kowloon Bay, to the intergenerational play space in Tuen Mun Siu Hei Court, onebite has been leading in innovative public space design in the city. On the other hand, during the COVID, the team has rolled out two initiatives with other community groups to promote good food with dignity which has served over 2000 meals and to produce eco-mask holders with social benefits, sold over 5000 pcs.
嘉賓 Guest Speaker
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鄧曉瑩 Emily Tang
STUDIO DOOZY共同創辦人及設計總監
Co-Founder & Design Director, Studio Doozy
鄧曉瑩(Emily)是一位工業和產品設計師在二〇一七年底,與多媒體設計師和電腦程序員Joan Calduch Ferran一起創立專注健康護理產品的設計及顧問公司Studio Doozy,透過研發適合長者的一系列康健產品,為應對全球老化、改善長者的生活指數。在研發產品的過程中,先要透徹了解長者一族的需求,包括生理、心理、環境,以至情感上的需要,推動她們研發真正以人為本的產品。
Emily Tang and Joan Calduch co-founded Studio Doozy, a healthcare design studio that strives to make ageing with pleasure and dignity possible for everyone. The Doozy team works closely with elderlies, differently-abled individuals, and other stakeholders to understand better their psychological, physical, and environmental needs. This often iterative process enables them to create human-centred and all-inclusive solutions.