Guide to SRSD
Policies, Guidelines and Forms
Policies and Guidelines
- Carbon Offsetting Encouragement Policy
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation (Policy; Guidelines)
- Planning and Managing Fitting-out and Renovation Projects: A Guide to Users
- Requests for Renting Off-campus Space, Guides for
- Space Inventory Updating Guidelines
- Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Policy
- Smoke-free Campus Policy
- Sustainable Procurement (Policy; Guidelines)
- Sustainable Event Planning and Management, Guidelines for
- Sustainable Student Orientation, Guidelines for
- Tree Preservation (Policy; Guidelines)
- Waste Management (Policy; Guidelines)
Tips for Everyone
Carbon footprint
- Sustainability Hub: a well-curated resources hub packed with information on environmental protection, climate change and sustainable development, and designed to inspire the public to take action to combat climate change
- Environment and Ecology Bureau, HKSAR Government – Low Carbon Living Calculator: a calculator for individuals to assess their carbon emissions in respect of clothing, food, living, and travel in the past year
- Alberta Museums Association – Video series on Climate Change: the series introduces the impact of climate change on the society, and provides innovative and sustainable solutions for the public to take part in climate action
- Net Zero the Hero: an online platform to motivate participants to reduce their environmental impacts through small lifestyle adjustments
Construction works - for contractors
- University’s Energy Efficiency and Conservation (Policy; Guidelines)
- Please contact the Energy Management Team of the Estates Management Office (EMO) to arrange a visit to identify your office’s energy-saving opportunities.
- Guidelines for Sustainable Event Planning and Management
- Guidelines for Sustainable Student Orientation
- Guidelines for Green Information Day (by the Hong Kong Sustainable Campus Consortium)
- ‘Love Food, Hate Waste @CUHK’ website
- Sustainability-conscious food consumption: – Please refer to the relevant requirements under Annex B (Mandatory Products and their Specification) of CUHK’s Sustainable Procurement Guidelines and the Sustainable Seafood Guide recommended by WWF.
- For Chinese banquets, please order just six main dishes instead of the usual eight.
- You may encourage guests to bring their own lunchboxes in order to take away leftover food.
- If you would like to donate food (pre-packed food, excess food from events, bulk donations, etc.), please check out the Food Donation Alliance website.
Sustainable procurement - for staff
- A list of products with recommended green specifications is listed in the Sustainable Procurement Guidelines.
IT tips
Pedestrian-friendly campus
- ‘Walk for Green’ campaign: New card readers have been installed to establish two new routes connecting University MTR Station and Central Campus. Participants can record their walking trips by tapping CU Link cards at the card readers. ‘Green Walkers’ who are able to obtain 120 points within a specified period will receive prizes.
- Statutory Ban on Idling of Motor Vehicle
- Major walking routes in CUHK (English / Chinese)
- (Non-exhaustive) List of easily-accessible water dispensers in CUHK
Note: The locations of the water dispensers above can also be accessed via the campus map in the CUHK Mobile App (iOS/Android) - ‘Water for Free’ – map of water dispensers in Hong Kong (Created and maintained by ‘Go Green Hong Kong’)
- Water saving tips from “Let’s Save 10L Water” campaign by the Water Supplies Department, HKSAR Government
- Recycling tips poster (for on-campus recycling)
- Location of recycling facilities on CUHK campus
- Unwanted furniture: a notice can be posted in ITSC mass mail to offer your office’s unwanted furniture to other offices (For furniture with unit cost of $5,000 or more, please first visit Business Unit’s website to complete the relevant asset disposal/transfer forms).
- Tips for food waste reduction – see tips under ‘Food’ above.
- A Facebook page operated by our student group, CU X Rubbish, to promote free recycling: ‘CU 拎’
- Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR Government – Collector/Recycler Directory and Second Hand Exchange
- Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR Government – Guidelines for Glass Container Recycling in Housing Estates
- Sustainable Development Matters (since 2018)
- Oceans and Sky (2014–2019)
- Campus Master Plan (2010)
- Sustainable Campus (2006−2017)
- Sustainability Report (2006−2011)
- Energy Saving Charter and 4Ts Charter, Environment and Ecology Bureau and Electrical and Mechanical Services Department, HKSAR Government
- Green Event Pledge, Environmental Protection Department, HKSAR Government
- Sustainable Campus Charter 2018, International Sustainable Campus Network
Secretariat to CUHK Committees
- Campus Planning Committee
- Carbon Neutrality, Task Force on
- CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Expert Committee
- CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Steering Committee
- Energy and Waste Management, Task Force on
- Smart CUHK Campus, Task Force on
- Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development, Committee on
- Space Allocation, Committee on