CUHK Earth Month 2023

March 2023 – April 2023

CUHK Earth Month 2023

To build on the annual celebration of Earth Day (22 April), CUHK’s Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office and SDSN Hong Kong are thrilled to present a series of activities related to Earth, environment and...
Green Graduation Photo-taking Day

6 March 2023 – 16 April 2023

Green Graduation Photo-taking Day

於即將到來的畢業班拍照日,準畢業生不妨實踐惜物減廢,同時發揮創意: 升級再造現有毛公仔為畢業公仔; 選用蔬果花束,拍照後可食用; 避免使用即棄物品;或 轉贈多餘禮物予他人。 Let’s be mindful and creative in reducing waste on the upcoming graduation photo-taking day: Upcycle your existing soft toys; Order or DIY edible veggie bouquet; Avoid using...

15 December 2022 – 02 February 2023


15 December 2022 第二期綠領行動「恒生技能創未來基金」環保先鋒發展培訓現正接受報名。計劃向大專學生提供培訓和實習機會,學習推動環保工作,改善氣候變化。 培訓計劃包括理論課及戶外活動,更提供有薪兼職實習機會予完成培訓之學生。參加者出席率達九成可獲頒發課程合格證書。...