Clothing Swap Pop-up Market at CUHK

Sep 11, 2023

Clothing Swap Pop-up Market at CUHK

Clothing Swap Pop-up Market at CUHK The 2nd round of Clothing Swap event organized by the Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme was held earlier in May 2023. Collected clothes will be distributed for free among eight university government-funded...
Fair Trade Workshop

14 Jun 2023 – 16 Jun 2023

Fair Trade Workshop

賽馬會綠續源園將於六月舉辦一系列有關公平貿易的工作坊, 與同學一起探討有關公平貿易的概念,以及作為消費者於日常生活中支持公平貿易的方法。 SDG & Fair Trade Online Talk 參加者將認識公平貿易六大原則與可持續發展目標關係,探討公平貿易如何回應國際議題。 日期:2023年6月14日(星期三) 時間:晚上七時至八時 形式:線上 Fairtrade Chocolate Tasting & Dialogues Workshop 參加者將透過試食公平貿易朱古力,探討朱古力生產業中各持份者的觀點。...
2023 Tertiary Institutions x NGO Internship Program (Good Will; Good Act; Good Job)

21 April 2023 – 31 May 2023

2023 Tertiary Institutions x NGO Internship Program (Good Will; Good Act; Good Job)

社職正舉辦「大專大學 x 社福機構義工實習機會」計劃,連結大學與社福機構,為學生提供多元化實習機會。此計劃共有80多家社福機構參與,提供超過500個暑期義工實習機會。學生透過參與此計劃,能夠獲得寶貴的職場體驗,豐富自己的個人經歷和履歷。同時,此計劃也讓機構更加了解新一代的想法,並與學生攜手為社區創造更多積極的影響。   截止報名日期:2023年5月31日(星期三) 詳情及報名:   Social Career is now organizing the ‘Tertiary...
2023 Summer Peace Fellowship

6 May 2023

2023 Summer Peace Fellowship

Peace Generation will host their Summer Peace Fellowship in May to July 2023. Peace Fellowship is designed for university students interested in social, political and cultural issues in Hong Kong. Participants will examine fundamental concepts of peace and conflict,...