CUHK study finds extreme hot weather will definitely increase in the future|Long-term planning for cooling facilities and public spaces is required

21 August 2022 – 21 August 2022

CUHK study finds extreme hot weather will definitely increase in the future|Long-term planning for cooling facilities and public spaces is required

CUHK study finds extreme hot weather will definitely increase in the future|Long-term planning for cooling facilities and public spaces is required Press Release, Climate Change, Research, SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities | 21 August 2022 // Hong Kong has been...
CUHK interdisciplinary study finds adoption of a less meat-intensive diet can reduce premature deaths related to air pollution in China

28 December 2021 – 28 December 2021

CUHK interdisciplinary study finds adoption of a less meat-intensive diet can reduce premature deaths related to air pollution in China

CUHK interdisciplinary study finds adoption of a less meat-intensive diet can reduce premature deaths related to air pollution in China Press Release, Climate Change, Research, Sustainable Consumption | 28 December 2021 // A groundbreaking collaborative study led by...
CUHK research predicts typhoons in Asia becoming stronger and longer-lasting with doubled destructive power by the end of century

27 December 2021 – 27 December 2021

CUHK research predicts typhoons in Asia becoming stronger and longer-lasting with doubled destructive power by the end of century

CUHK research predicts typhoons in Asia becoming stronger and longer-lasting with doubled destructive power by the end of century Press Release, Climate Change, Research | 27 December 2021 // A study led by Professor TAM Chi Yung Francis, Associate Professor of the...
The Unintended Consequences of Green Investing

06 December 2021 – 06 December 2021

The Unintended Consequences of Green Investing

The Unintended Consequences of Green Investing News, Research | 06 December 2021 // The rise in sustainable investing brings with it pitfalls, according to fresh CUHK research, particularly when it comes to the pricing of stocks. The greater the Environmental, Social...
CUHK Researchers Unveil a Novel Competition Strategy that May Fuel Plant Cells for a Sustainable Development of Crops

21 October 2021 – 21 October 2021

CUHK Researchers Unveil a Novel Competition Strategy that May Fuel Plant Cells for a Sustainable Development of Crops

CUHK Researchers Unveil a Novel Competition Strategy that May Fuel Plant Cells for a Sustainable Development of Crops Press Release, Research, Agriculture, SDG2 Zero Hunger | 21 October 2021 // Rapid climate change is contributing to decreased productivity in crops. A...
Leading Blue Energy Revolution: CUHK Faculty of Engineering Develops Water-Tube-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Efficient Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting

18 March 2021 – 18 March 2021

Leading Blue Energy Revolution: CUHK Faculty of Engineering Develops Water-Tube-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Efficient Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting

Leading Blue Energy Revolution: CUHK Faculty of Engineering Develops Water-Tube-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Efficient Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting Press Release, Research, Energy | 18 March 2021 //The research team led by Prof. Zi Yunlong, Assistant...
CUHK Research Reveals that Methane Emissions can Reduce the Climate Benefits of Subtropical Mangrove Wetlands by Half

02 July 2020 – 02 July 2020

CUHK Research Reveals that Methane Emissions can Reduce the Climate Benefits of Subtropical Mangrove Wetlands by Half

CUHK Research Reveals that Methane Emissions can Reduce the Climate Benefits of Subtropical Mangrove Wetlands by Half Press Release, Climate Change, Research | 02 July 2020 // An international collaborative study led by Professor Derrick Yuk Fo Lai at The Chinese...