CUHK study finds extreme hot weather will definitely increase in the future|Long-term planning for cooling facilities and public spaces is required

21 August 2022 – 21 August 2022

CUHK study finds extreme hot weather will definitely increase in the future|Long-term planning for cooling facilities and public spaces is required

CUHK study finds extreme hot weather will definitely increase in the future|Long-term planning for cooling facilities and public spaces is required Press Release, Climate Change, Research, SDG11 Sustainable Cities and Communities | 21 August 2022 // Hong Kong has been...
Climate change: universities can serve as cradles for low-carbon policies and practices

11 June 2022 – 11 June 2022

Climate change: universities can serve as cradles for low-carbon policies and practices

Climate change: universities can serve as cradles for low-carbon policies and practices Media Coverage, Climate Change, SDG13 Climate Action, SDG17 Partnerships for the Goals | 11 June 2022 // We are already seeing the health impacts of the climate crisis: an...
CUHK interdisciplinary study finds adoption of a less meat-intensive diet can reduce premature deaths related to air pollution in China

28 December 2021 – 28 December 2021

CUHK interdisciplinary study finds adoption of a less meat-intensive diet can reduce premature deaths related to air pollution in China

CUHK interdisciplinary study finds adoption of a less meat-intensive diet can reduce premature deaths related to air pollution in China Press Release, Climate Change, Research, Sustainable Consumption | 28 December 2021 // A groundbreaking collaborative study led by...
CUHK research predicts typhoons in Asia becoming stronger and longer-lasting with doubled destructive power by the end of century

27 December 2021 – 27 December 2021

CUHK research predicts typhoons in Asia becoming stronger and longer-lasting with doubled destructive power by the end of century

CUHK research predicts typhoons in Asia becoming stronger and longer-lasting with doubled destructive power by the end of century Press Release, Climate Change, Research | 27 December 2021 // A study led by Professor TAM Chi Yung Francis, Associate Professor of the...
前沿學術跨界交流 逾百學者線上線下參會 中大氣候變化、健康與可持續發展學術研討會開幕

24 November 2021 – 24 November 2021

前沿學術跨界交流 逾百學者線上線下參會 中大氣候變化、健康與可持續發展學術研討會開幕

前沿學術跨界交流 逾百學者線上線下參會 中大氣候變化、健康與可持續發展學術研討會開幕 Press Release, Climate Change, Health & Wellness | 24 November 2021 // 香港中文大學於今明兩天 (11月24及25日)連線北京舉辦「氣候變化、健康與可持續發展學術研討會」,研討會四個分題為氣候變化、空氣污染、健康影響與政策、健康與可持續發展城市,冀通過學者專家跨學科交流,促進人類生活變得更美好。今日上午中大祖堯堂進行的開幕典禮及首天會議,兩地出席者逾百人。 //...

08 October 2021 – 08 October 2021


香港氣候行動藍圖2050 News, Climate Change, Low Carbon | 08 October 2021 《香港氣候行動藍圖2050》以「零碳排放‧綠色宜居‧持續發展」為願景,提出香港應對氣候變化和實現碳中和的策略和目標,當中包括:淨零發電、節能綠建、綠色運輸及全民減廢,力爭在二○三五年前把香港的碳排放量從二○○五年的水平減半。 閱讀報告: (中文版) 或 (英文版) Climate Change Low...
世界地球日2021 修復藍色家園

19 April 2021 – 19 April 2021

世界地球日2021 修復藍色家園

世界地球日2021 修復藍色家園 News, Climate Change | 19 April 2021 // 氣候變化令兩極冰雪溶解和海平面上升,隨時威脅人類存亡。香港天文台資料顯示,自1954年至2020年,維多利亞港的海平面以每十年31毫米的速度上升。美國 Climate Central 則推算到2050年,全球將有3億人或因海平面上升面臨水浸威脅,香港作為一個沿海城市亦不能倖免。 // 閱讀全文: Climate...
CUHK Research Reveals that Methane Emissions can Reduce the Climate Benefits of Subtropical Mangrove Wetlands by Half

02 July 2020 – 02 July 2020

CUHK Research Reveals that Methane Emissions can Reduce the Climate Benefits of Subtropical Mangrove Wetlands by Half

CUHK Research Reveals that Methane Emissions can Reduce the Climate Benefits of Subtropical Mangrove Wetlands by Half Press Release, Climate Change, Research | 02 July 2020 // An international collaborative study led by Professor Derrick Yuk Fo Lai at The Chinese...
Three CUHK Architecture PhD Students’ Papers About Healthy City Achieved “Most Cited Articles” in the Journal of Urban Climate

31 May 2020 – 31 May 2020

Three CUHK Architecture PhD Students’ Papers About Healthy City Achieved “Most Cited Articles” in the Journal of Urban Climate

Three CUHK Architecture PhD Students’ Papers About Healthy City Achieved “Most Cited Articles” in the Journal of Urban Climate Press Release, Climate Change, Research | 31 May 2020 // Three PhD students from the School of Architecture at The Chinese...