邁向碳中和之路——挑戰與機遇 helloworld2

11 February 2022 – 11 February 2022

邁向碳中和之路——挑戰與機遇 helloworld2

邁向碳中和之路——挑戰與機遇 91 February 2022 07:00pm 隨着溫室氣體排放量日漸增加,地球正面臨前所未有的氣候變化速度,隨之而來的破壞更是難以彌補。要使全球平均增溫控制在工業化前水平相比的攝氏兩度之內(聯合國政府間氣候變化專門委員會訂立的指標),全球必須在2050年前達致碳中和。...
智慧校園方案比賽2020/21 頒獎典禮 暨 智慧講座 Smart Campus Solutions Competition 2020/21 Award Ceremony cum Smart Talk

20 January 2022 – 20 January 2022

智慧校園方案比賽2020/21 頒獎典禮 暨 智慧講座 Smart Campus Solutions Competition 2020/21 Award Ceremony cum Smart Talk

智慧校園方案比賽2020/21 頒獎典禮 暨 智慧講座 Smart Campus Solutions Competition 2020/21 Award Ceremony cum Smart Talk 20 January 2022 02:30pm 為慶祝三隊智慧團隊獲得佳績,智慧校園方案比賽2020/21頒獎典禮特設得獎隊伍分享環節,由主持人與大家共享價值高達每隊 HK$100,000 的獲獎意念。...
Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs ─ How the South Won the Civil War: Oligarchy, Democracy, and the Continuing Fight for the Soul of America

17 December 2021 – 17 December 2021

Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs ─ How the South Won the Civil War: Oligarchy, Democracy, and the Continuing Fight for the Soul of America

Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs ─ How the South Won the Civil War: Oligarchy, Democracy, and the Continuing Fight for the Soul of America 17 December 2021 In December, the Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs will discuss ‘How the South Won the Civil War: Oligarchy,...

03 December 2021 – 03 December 2021


樹猶如此,城何以堪?──樹木管理與可持續發展 03 December 2021 07:00pm 可持續發展目標(SDGs)目標15是「陸上的生命」(Life on Land),這個目標是促進落實各式森林的永續管理、終止毀林、恢復退化森林,以及大幅增加全球造林和再造林,當中也包括對於實施城市林務(urban forestry)的責任。...
Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs ─ Until I Am Free: Fannie Lou Hamer’s Enduring Message to America

18 November 2021 – 18 November 2021

Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs ─ Until I Am Free: Fannie Lou Hamer’s Enduring Message to America

Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs ─ Until I Am Free: Fannie Lou Hamer’s Enduring Message to America 18 November 2021 In November, the Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs will discuss ‘Until I Am Free: Fannie Lou Hamer’s Enduring Message to America’ by...
Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs ─ The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Donald Trump

26 October 2021 – 26 October 2021

Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs ─ The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Donald Trump

Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs ─ The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Donald Trump 26 October 2021 1:00am In October, the Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs will discuss ‘The Reactionary Mind: Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Donald Trump’ by...

11 June 2021 – 11 June 2021


消費?消廢?——再思負責任消費與生產 11 June 2021 07:00pm 近年,香港的廢物問題愈趨嚴重。根據環境保護署調查顯示,香港人在2018年每天平均棄置3.37磅城市固體垃圾至堆填區,當中廢棄塑膠的問題尤其嚴重。根據本地慈善環保團體「綠領行動」估計,香港每星期處置即棄塑膠數量超過4,600萬件。 廢物棄置問題的源頭在於無止境的消費。今次可持續發展目標論壇將集中討論可持續發展目標12 ──...