UN Climate Week Webinar 2020 ─ Looking Ahead: A Year for Action towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

22 September 2020 – 22 September 2020

UN Climate Week Webinar 2020 ─ Looking Ahead: A Year for Action towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

UN Climate Week Webinar 2020 ─ Looking Ahead: A Year for Action towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 22 September 2020 08:30am The United Nations (UN) Climate Week inspires individuals and organizations to become part of the momentum created by the global...
UN SDSN Global Virtual Conference: Implications of COVID-19 for Public Health and the SDGs

27 April 2020 – 27 April 2020

UN SDSN Global Virtual Conference: Implications of COVID-19 for Public Health and the SDGs

UN SDSN Global Virtual Conference: Implications of COVID-19 for Public Health and the SDGs 27 April 2020 08:00pm The COVID-19 global health pandemic is rapidly changing the ways we live and work. In the age of sustainable development and at a time when the world is...
Social Innovations for Sustainable Communities – Learning Programme

30 November 2019 – 30 March 2020

Social Innovations for Sustainable Communities – Learning Programme

Social Innovations for Sustainable Communities – Learning Programme 30 November 2019 滙創永續計劃於今年11月至明年3月舉辦首期「培訓講堂」,課程涵蓋多個範疇,包括永續發展、設計思維、創業指南、及資金籌集等。對社會創新充滿熱誠的參加者更有機會成為永續先鋒,贏取種子基金,以創新的想法解決社會問題。 詳情及報名:https://bit.ly/35kjVj7 ‘Social Innovations for Sustainable...
SDG Forum Series: 365 Ways to Change the World – From Creative Entrepreneurship to Antarctic Exploration

28 October 2019 – 28 October 2019

SDG Forum Series: 365 Ways to Change the World – From Creative Entrepreneurship to Antarctic Exploration

SDG Forum Series: 365 Ways to Change the World – From Creative Entrepreneurship to Antarctic Exploration 28 October 2019 04:30pm SDSN Hong Kong and the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change will jointly organise a forum titled ‘365 Ways to Change the World...
Sustainable Development Goals Action Fund – Call for Application (2019 Round 3)

02 September 2019 – 15 December 2019

Sustainable Development Goals Action Fund – Call for Application (2019 Round 3)

Sustainable Development Goals Action Fund – Call for Application (2019 Round 3) 02 September 2019 Do you want to become an agent of positive change?  The Campus Planning and Sustainability Office (CPSO) hereby announces the introduction of its Sustainable Development...

09 August 2019 – 09 August 2019


遮布升級再造工作坊 09 August 2019 夏天除了為大地帶來雨水,還會帶來無數破爛的雨傘。不少人會將把爛雨傘隨便丟棄至就垃圾桶,甚為浪費。有見及此,工作坊將會以收集回來的雨傘布,利用簡單技巧將其「升級再造」成為獨一無二的髮飾,實行物盡其用,減少浪費。每位參加者將製作兩件髮飾,一件帶回家,一件用作義賣*,別具意義。 透過工作坊,參加者可以: 了解本地廢物處理的困局 認識環保新概念「升級再造Upcycling」 親手以雨傘布製作獨一無二的髮飾# 名額:每節30人 (先到先得)費用:全免日期:2019年7月19日(星期五)...