The 6th World Philanthropy Forum

Aug 18, 2023

The 6th World Philanthropy Forum

香港中文大學和清華大學聯合主辦第六屆世界公益慈善論壇,主題為「善世界.創未來」。作為香港中文大學建校六十週年的校慶系列活動之一,來自世界各地學術界、企業界及聯合國衛生組織等專家將就以下五個議題進行討論,包括善於應災、世界華人善行動、她慈善,她力量、互聯網慈善及慈善與青年行動。 日期:2023年9月5日(星期二) 時間:上午9:00至下午5:30 地點:香港中文大學行政樓祖堯堂 語言:中文及英語 詳情及報名 (截止日期:2023年8月25日)   The Chinese University...
Rural Revitalization Symposium

Aug 2, 2023

Rural Revitalization Symposium

The School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong is proud to host the Rural Revitalization Symposium 2023 together with the Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation. The Symposium brings together over 20 experts from Hong Kong, Mainland...
Social Impact Academy Webinar: Art for Good

2 Aug 2023

Social Impact Academy Webinar: Art for Good

The Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services (ORKTS) cordially invites you to the webinar on Art for Good. Ms Amanda Sun, founder and director of Arts For Good Foundation, will share her expertise and experience in social science research, art research, and...
Net Zero the Hero

July 14, 2023

Net Zero the Hero

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has made a concrete commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2038. In support of this goal, the Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office, the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change and SDSN Hong Kong are...
Recycling of Clean Beverage Cartons and Coffee cups

June 27, 2023

Recycling of Clean Beverage Cartons and Coffee cups

乾淨回收紙包飲品盒及咖啡杯 紙包飲品和咖啡是很多人日常的飲料,但若能回收使用過的飲品盒和外賣咖啡杯,便能有效減少廢棄物的產生。為此,中大於校園設置紙包飲品盒及咖啡杯回收箱,請遵循以下乾淨回收步驟,攜手推動減廢回收: 1. 除去塑膠杯蓋或飲管,清洗並放進塑膠回收箱 2. 剪開飲品盒 3. 清洗飲品盒或咖啡杯 4. 把已清洗的飲品盒或咖啡杯放進中大校園內的紙包飲品回收箱: – 范克廉樓地下文化廣場(回收設施旁) – 港鐵站近1A/B校巴站 – 碧秋樓地下(回收設施旁) –...