HKIHS–IEES Environmental Talk Series

Jan 11, 2024

HKIHS–IEES Environmental Talk Series

HKIHS–IEES Environmental Talk Series: Blue roof, green landscape, stormwater control and sustainable water management Frequent natural disasters like typhoons, flooding and landslides in recent years are seriously affecting people’s daily lives or even...
Noble Fir Mini Christmas Tree Workshop

Dec 14, 2023

Noble Fir Mini Christmas Tree Workshop

貴族松迷你聖誕樹工作坊(14/12) 鮮花盛開後便會失去價值,變成廢物被丟棄到堆填區。我們可將快枯萎的花材回收,升級再造成乾花,再發揮創意配搭新鮮貴族松及其他天然花材製作迷你聖誕樹,為居所或辦公室增添綠色聖誕元素。 聖誕節臨近,不妨給予鮮花「第二生命」,更環保及更有意義地歡度佳節。 工作坊詳情 作品:約30cm高的迷你聖誕樹 日期:2023年12月14日(星期四) 時間:15:15-17:15 地點:伍何曼原樓305室 語言:粵語 費用:全免...
Lunchbox Lending Program (LLP) at CUHK

Sep 01, 2023 – Sep 01, 2024

Lunchbox Lending Program (LLP) at CUHK

Lunchbox Lending Program (LLP) at CUHK The use of disposable plastic utensils has been increasing with a weekly disposal amount of up to 1,400 tonnes in Hong Kong, which is equivalent to the weight of 90 double-decker buses.   The Jockey Club Sustainable Campus...
Green Congregation

Nov 09, 2023 – Nov 11, 2023

Green Congregation

於畢業禮當日,應屆畢業生不妨惜物減廢,同時發揮創意: 將家中的毛公仔升級再造成畢業公仔,避免訂製新的公仔; 以可食用的蔬果花束取代鮮花束; 避免使用即棄物品;或 轉贈多餘禮物予他人。 祝 畢業快樂! Let’s be mindful and creative in reducing waste on the graduation congregation: Add a graduation touch to your existing soft toys instead of purchasing new ones; Order...