Upcycling’s Got Talent Design Competition

16 July 2019

Handling of Retired uniforms could be a challenge, as they can neither be worn as day-to-day outfit nor be donated.  Co-organized by Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited (HAECO) and Hong Kong Baptist University, ‘Upcycling’s Got Talent Design Competition’ provides you with the opportunity to unleash creativity and upcycle HAECO’s retired uniforms into travelling accessories.  The champion can win two round-trip Economy Class tickets, while the winning designs will be produced for charity sale.

Application Deadline: 15 August 2019 (Thursday)
Competition Details: https://hkbusustainability.wixsite.com/upcyclingsgottalent



制服穿舊了,然後呢?制服不能作日常衣著,又不方便當舊衣捐出,舊制服的處理確實是個難題。香港飛機工程有限公司(HAECO)與香港浸會大學合辦「飛裳大改造」設計比賽 讓大家發揮創意,把一系列HAECO的舊制服,升級成各種各樣的旅行用品 。冠軍得獎者可贏得雙人來回經濟客位機票 ,得獎作品亦將獲限量生產供慈善義賣。
