New CU Green Buddies Referral Scheme – Take action now to receive a gift!

17 January 2020
With more CU Green Buddies, make a bigger impact on Greener Campus!
We are now launching the new ‘Referral Scheme’ and are pleased to invite CU Green Buddies (CUGB) to promote the CUGB Scheme with us. Thus, more CUHK members could be inspired to take green actions and make CUHK greener.
Referral Scheme Details
By referring one non-registered student or staff member to register as a new CUGB, the first 100 referees will receive Café 330 $20 voucher as a token of appreciation.
Redemption method:
- The referee provides his / her registered name and student/staff ID number to your referred CUGB applicant.
- A CUGB applicant inputs his / her referee information in ‘Part III Referee Information’ of the enrolment form.
- A separate confirmation email will be issued to the referee for gift collection.
- The referee’s registered name and student/staff ID number must be the same as shown in the CPSO’s existing record.
- Each CUGB (as a referee) could redeem up to two vouchers under this scheme.
- The decision of CPSO will be final.
Enquiries: Ms Mok 3943 3924
首100位「中大綠色達人」(即推薦人)推薦一位從未登記的中大學生或教職員登記為「中大綠色達人」可獲得Café 330 $20禮券乙張作感謝對計劃的支持。
- 推薦人向「中大綠色達人」申請人提供其登記的姓名及學生/教職員ID。
- 「中大綠色達人」申請人於登記表格內「第三部分: 推薦人資料」欄內填寫相關資料。
- 推薦人將收到另一封確認電郵換領禮品。
- 推薦人登記的姓名及學生/教職員ID需與本處現有紀錄相同。
- 每位「中大綠色達人」(即推薦人)於此計劃內最多可換領禮券兩張。
- 本處保留最終決定權。
查詢:莫小姐 3943 3924