Green Coin Purse Workshop (Free of Charge)

24 October 2019

  • Do you want to have a unique coin purse? How does a coin purse link up with environmental protection?

    We will organize a Green Coin Purse Workshop on Thursday, 24 October.  The ambassadors from the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (MoCC) will act as the workshop tutors who will introduce low-carbon lifestyle and teach how to make coin purses from the used banners through upcycling.  Participants can bring your DIY green coin purse home.

    Workshop Details

    Date: Thursday, 24 October 2019

    Time: 12:00noon–1:00pm (Session one) or 1:00–2:00pm (Session two)

               (Two sessions are identical.  Please select either one.)

    Location: Yasumoto International Academic Park 8/F

    Fee: Free of Charge

    All students and staff are welcome!  Please click here to register. 

    Seats are limited.  Priority will be offered to those who have registered as CU Green Buddies.  A confirmation email will be sent to the successful registrants one week before the workshop. 

    Registration deadline: Monday, 14 October 2019


    想擁有一個獨一無二的零錢包嗎? 又如何將環保與零錢包結合? 

    我們將舉辦「環保零錢包工作坊」, 由賽馬會氣候變化博物館大使擔任工作坊導師,介紹「低碳生活」的理念,並教授如何將廢棄橫額「升級再造」成零錢包。參加者可於工作坊後帶走親手製作的成品。


    日期: 2019年10月24日(星期四)

    時間: 中午12時正至下午1時 (第一節) 或 下午1時至2時 (第二節)


    地點: 康本國際學術園八樓

    費用: 免費 



    截止日期: 2019年10月14日(星期一)