招募惜食走塑達人 2021-22

15 October 2021

「惜食中大 走塑校園」計劃誠邀中大同學成為「惜食走塑達人」,將珍惜食物及停用即棄塑膠的意識推廣至整個校園及社區。立即報名,一同向剩食和即棄塑膠飲管說不!完成培訓後參與餐廳推廣活動,可獲每小時60港元津貼。


    • 中大學生
    • 樂意於午膳時間在校內餐廳進行推廣


    • 在校內餐廳推廣惜食及減少剩食
    • 推廣「走塑校園」及停用塑膠飲管


    • 計劃簡介會 :2022年1月21日 (星期五) | 16:00 – 17:00 | 中大校園
    • 參觀活動 :2022年1月22日 (星期六) | 09:30 – 12:30 | 沙田「綠領駅」及 Slowood
    • 廚餘分類示範 (只需參加其中的30分鐘) :2022年1月24日 (星期一) | 10:00 – 16:00 | 中大校園


如有查詢,請致電3499 1780予合辦機構綠領行動楊先生。


Love Food Hate Waste @CUHK and Plastic-free Campus (No Straw)’ Campaign is now recruiting ‘Save Food and Plastic-free Ambassadors’ to promote food cherishing and no disposable plastic on the campus.  Join us and say ‘No’ to food waste and disposable plastic straw! Allowance (HKD 60 per hour) will be provided to trained ambassadors who participate in canteen promotions.

Targeted Participants

    • CUHK students
    • Willing to participate in CUHK canteen promotions during lunch hour


    • Promote food cherishing and leftover reducing in the CUHK canteens
    • Promote Plastic-free Campus and no disposable plastic straw


    • Seminar:21 January 2022 (Friday) | 16:00 – 17:00 | CUHK campus
    • Visit & Workshop:22 January 2022 (Saturday) | 09:30 – 12:30 | Greeners Fusion & Slowood @Shatin
    • Practical demonstration of food waste separation (30 minutes during the demonstration period):24 January 2022 (Monday) | 10:00 – 16:00 | CUHK campus

Enroll here: https://bit.ly/3FD38L6

For enquiry, please contact Mr Yeung of Greeners Action, co-organizer of the campaign, at 3499 1780.