
02 October 2019

  • 你知道香港每日產生多少噸廚餘嗎?你知道塑膠垃圾對環境的影響嗎?

    「惜食中大 走塑校園」計劃誠邀中大同學成為「惜食走塑達人」! 將珍惜食物、走膠飲管的意識植根中大,推廣至整個校園及社區,一同向剩食和膠飲管說不!




    • 中大學生
    • 樂意於午膳時間在校內的餐廳進行推廣
    • 在中大飯堂內推廣「惜食走塑」
    • 推廣廚餘源頭分類
    • 津貼(午膳推廣)
    • 免費講座/工作坊(2019年10月25日)


    How much food waste do we produce in Hong Kong every day?  What are the impacts of plastic waste on the environment?

    Together with Green Come True, ‘Love Food, Hate Waste @CUHK and Plastic-free Campus (No Straw)’ Campaigns are now recruiting ‘Save Food and Plastic-free Ambassadors’ to promote food cherishing and no plastic disposable straw on the campus. Let’s say ‘No’ to food and plastic waste!

    Are you interested in being one of our ‘Save Food and Plastic-free Ambassadors’?

    Targeted Participants:


    • CUHK students
    • Willing to participate in the promotional activities in CUHK canteens during lunch hour
    • Promote food cherishing and no plastic disposable straw in CUHK canteens
    • Promote separation of food waste at source
    •  Allowance (Canteen Promotion)
    • Free training including talks/workshop