智慧校園方案比賽2020/21 頒獎典禮 暨 智慧講座 Smart Campus Solutions Competition 2020/21 Award Ceremony cum Smart Talk

20 January 2022


為慶祝三隊智慧團隊獲得佳績,智慧校園方案比賽2020/21頒獎典禮特設得獎隊伍分享環節,由主持人與大家共享價值高達每隊 HK$100,000 的獲獎意念。





語言:英語 / 粵語

形式:實體 + 線上

立即報名 https://bit.ly/3pC11QF



Celebrating the achievement of three smart teams, the Smart Campus Solutions Competition 2020/21 Award Ceremony will feature a moderated sharing session of award-winning ideas which worth up to HK$100,000 per team.

In addition, Dr Kenneth TANG from the Smart City Consortium will present a Smart Talk with insights on smartness, inspiring cases and resources around us. The hybrid event comes with an in-person guided tour of the world’s first museum of climate change.

Date: 20 January 2022 (Thursday)

Time: 14:30 – 16:00

Venue: LT 6, Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Language: English / Cantonese

Format: In person + Online

Registration now: https://bit.ly/3pC11QF

E-rundowm: https://bit.ly/3FnJthX