海下灣遊客中心啟用推廣珊瑚養育 黃錦星助養珊瑚BB遭「欺凌」

29 August 2021 – 29 August 2021

海下灣遊客中心啟用推廣珊瑚養育 黃錦星助養珊瑚BB遭「欺凌」

海下灣遊客中心啟用推廣珊瑚養育 黃錦星助養珊瑚BB遭「欺凌」 // 香港世界地質公園覆蓋新界東北及西貢地區及海域,除了世界罕有的火山岩六角形岩柱等奇岩異石美景,多個海岸公園亦位處其中。為加強推廣保護海岸,包括育養珊瑚,漁護署轄下「海下遊客中心」今年開幕。環境局局長黃錦星今日(29日)在網誌撰文,指近年環保署亦與不同組織協作,例如與香港大學展開「珊瑚礁盤」研究,以及支持香港中文大學「育養珊瑚」,生態研究與公眾教育並重。 // 閱讀全文:https://bit.ly/3jEO0UA 其他相關報導: 環境局局長網誌 |...
Climate Change 2021—The Physical Science Basis

09 August 2021 – 09 August 2021

Climate Change 2021—The Physical Science Basis

News, Climate Change, Global Environment | 09 August 2021 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued the report titled, ‘Climate Change 2021—The Physical Science Basis’.  The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report...
Bringing the SDGs to Life

21 July 2021 – 21 July 2021

Bringing the SDGs to Life

News, SDGs | 21 July 2021 Universities have a crucial role to play in solving the world’s social and environmental problems, and CUHK has fully embraced this challenge.  CUHK is committed to working across borders and disciplines to generate innovative and...
CUHK wins the 2021 International Green Gown Awards

07 July 2021 – 07 July 2021

CUHK wins the 2021 International Green Gown Awards

News, Award | 07 July 2021 The One University One Village Rural Sustainable Development Assistance Programme (1U1V), launched by Professor Edward Ng and Dr Li Wan at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, wins the 2021 International Green Gown Awards in the category of...