Queens of the Ocean ─ Jerome Hui snorkels in the genomic sea of jellyfish

News, Research | 04 September 2020

// Though a favourite among aquarium-goers, relatively little is known about jellyfish—how they evolve, how they reproduce, what they feed on, etc.  The genomic make-up of the jellyfish is the first place to look for answers.  Professor Hui and his team found homeobox genes in the jellyfish which evidently belong in the bilaterians but have evolved differently. The implication is that both bilaterians and cnidarians share a common ancestor which, estimated to exist at least 600 million years ago, already had these important developmental genes.  The seminal discoveries Professor Jerome Hui and his team made have recently been reported in an article published in Nature Communications. //

Read the articul in full: https://bit.ly/32Z95PY