The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has made a concrete commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2038. In support of this goal, the Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office, the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change and SDSN Hong Kong are launching the ‘Net Zero the Hero’ campaign as part of CUHK’s 60th anniversary celebrations. This campaign calls on like-minded friends to join the cause of tackling climate change.

You can make a noticeable difference by taking simple, actionable steps in your daily life. Challenge yourself to reduce your carbon footprint in either 6 or 60 days by making changes to common lifestyle habits. With some easy tweaks, you can significantly decrease your environmental impact.

By participating in this campaign, you will become part of a broader effort to tackle climate change. Together, we can work toward achieving carbon neutrality and building a sustainable future for humanity. Join the ‘Net Zero the Hero’ campaign today and be a hero in the fight against climate change!

For more details, please visit the Net Zero the Hero website.


香港中文大學(中大)承諾於2038年前達至碳中和。為實踐承諾,中大社會責任及可持續發展處、賽馬會氣候變化博物館和SDSN香港將於中大60周年校慶期間合辦「6綠零碳大挑戰」 計劃,召集志同道合人士一起應對氣候變化。生活中的簡單行動也能帶來改變。參加者可選擇6天或60天的計劃期,改變日常生活習慣,從生活細節減少碳排放,降低對環境的影響。

