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The Hong Kong Chapter of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN Hong Kong) and the CUHK Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability (IEES) will be co-hosting the Global Conference on Sustainable Development (GCSD) in October.


The 2-day conference aims to enable exchanges among academia, philanthropy, civil society institutions, the government and the private sector on the challenges and opportunities, as well as the way forward, in achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.


Date: 4–5 October 2023 (Wednesday–Thursday)
Venue: Lau Chor Tak Lecture Theatre (LT1) & CMA Lecture Theatre (LT2), Yasumoto International Academic Park G/F, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Format: Hybrid (in-person and live-streaming)
Language: English
Featured Speakers:

  • Mr Ban Ki-moon, Former United Nations Secretary General and Co-Chair, Ban Ki-Moon Centre for Global Citizens
  • Professor Kwan Mei-po, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Professor Christine Loh, Chief Development Strategist, Division of Environment and Sustainability, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Professor Jeffrey Sachs, President, United Nations Sustainable  Development Solutions Network
  • Professor Thomas Schneider, Chief Executive, Association of Pacific Rim Universities
  • Professor Sham Mai-har, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • The Hon Tse Chin-wan, GBS, JP, Secretary for the Environment and Ecology, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
  • Professor Rocky S Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Details and Registration: bit.ly/3qhnozf


Free admission, all are welcome.


由聯合國可持續發展解決方案網絡香港地區分會(SDSN香港)與 中大環境、能源及可持續發展研究所合辦的可持續發展國際會議將於10月舉行,由來自不同界別的講者帶領參加者探討一系列可持續發展議題。


地點:香港中文大學康本國際學術園地下劉佐德演講廳 (LT1) 及廠商會演講廳 (LT2)

