



地點:中大陳國本樓UG層3號演講廳 (只限現場參與,座位有限,先到先得)

講者:梁仕池教授 — 香港嶺南大學文化研究系的研究助理教授(研究)






The ‘Clean Bin Project’ follows a couple’s year-long competition to live zero waste, in response to today’s ‘throw-away’ culture. In the post-screening sharing session, Professor Leung will talk about his cultural research on food waste, inviting audiences to reimagine ways to put forward environmental protection practices through community collaboration.


Date: 31 March 2023 (Friday)

Time: 7:00pm – 9:30pm

Venue: LT3, UG/F, Chen Kou Bun Building, CUHK (on-site participation only, first come first served)

Speaker: Professor Daren LEUNG — Research Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University

Moderator: CNEX Representative


Documentary in English with bilingual subtitles. The Sharing session will be conducted in Cantonese. Special thanks to CNEX for supporting this Screening and Sharing Session.

Online Registration: http://bit.ly/3Z2M1eg


講者簡介 About the Speaker

梁仕池教授現為嶺南大學文化研究系的研究助理教授(研究)。在澳洲悉尼大學獲得博士學位後,他回到香港繼續從事食物文化、環境保育與城市共享等相關的研究和教學。他與學生和社區夥伴共同創立「日日有餘」,齊齊發掘和推廣將廚餘轉廢為寶、社區協作的環保實踐。 Professor Daren LEUNG is a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Cultural Studies at Lingnan University. After receiving his PhD from the University of Sydney, he returns to Hong Kong to continue his research and teaching on food, environment, sustainability and urban commons. He co-founded Day Waste-Wise (DDWW) with students and community partners to promote the community-oriented practices of recycling food waste.