2024 APRU x EBPHK Joint International Conference on Biodiversity, Conservation, Genomics & Sustainability

The Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) and the Earth BioGenome Project: Hong Kong (EBPHK) jointly organize an international conference focusing on Biodiversity, Ecology, Conservation, Genomics, and Sustainability. Researchers, students, and key stakeholders from various disciplines and sectors will convene to share their knowledge and experiences in these areas. The conference aims to enhance our understanding of how biodiversity is being affected by climate change, explore strategies for conserving endangered species, highlight the importance of ecosystem services, and encourage the discovery of unexpected biological knowledge for technological advancements.

Date: 15–17 February 2024 (Thursday to Saturday)
Location: Yasumoto International Academic Park G/F, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Registration: bit.ly/3tyNeAA (Deadline for early bird registration: 15 January 2024)

Free admission, all are welcome.

For more details, please visit the conference website.

Tags: External Event | SDG13 Climate Action | SDG14 Life Below Water | SDG15 Life on Land | SDG4 Quality Education