大氣層二氧化碳濃度 300萬年新高

15 May 2019 – 15 May 2019

大氣層二氧化碳濃度 300萬年新高

大氣層二氧化碳濃度 300萬年新高 Media Coverage, Climate Change, Research | 15 May 2019 // 中大地球系統科學課程助理教授譚志勇認為,學界感驚訝,因距離錄得大氣層二氧化碳濃度400ppm只是年多前的事,如此升幅,是以往300萬年均未曾出現。他稱二氧化碳可由人類活動產生,包括燃燒化石能源及畜牧業等,氣體不斷增加可加速全球暖化,引致海平面上升、加劇極端天氣等,威脅人類生存,未來有賴學界研究新科技分解二氧化碳,及年輕一代推動減排。 //...
CUHK Institute of Future Cites Provides Feasible Applications for Building Smart Cities Cluster in Greater Bay Area

06 May 2019 – 06 May 2019

CUHK Institute of Future Cites Provides Feasible Applications for Building Smart Cities Cluster in Greater Bay Area

CUHK Institute of Future Cites Provides Feasible Applications for Building Smart Cities Cluster in Greater Bay Area Press Release, Research, Technology, Air Pollution, Smart City | 06 May 2019 // IOFC recently announced the latest research findings on urban air...
CUHK Research Hints at Feasibility of Sustainable Farming Practices as a Means to Resolve the Worsening Food Crisis and Air Pollution Problem

24 April 2019 – 24 April 2019

CUHK Research Hints at Feasibility of Sustainable Farming Practices as a Means to Resolve the Worsening Food Crisis and Air Pollution Problem

CUHK Research Hints at Feasibility of Sustainable Farming Practices as a Means to Resolve the Worsening Food Crisis and Air Pollution Problem Press Release, Research, Air Pollution, Agriculture, Food | 24 April 2019 // Prof. Amos P. K. Tai of the Earth System Science...
Breakthrough of CUHK Engineering in Battery Research A Safe, High-rate, and Long-life Organic-oxygen Battery: A New Chapter in Renewable Energy Storage

14 March 2019 – 14 March 2019

Breakthrough of CUHK Engineering in Battery Research A Safe, High-rate, and Long-life Organic-oxygen Battery: A New Chapter in Renewable Energy Storage

Breakthrough of CUHK Engineering in Battery Research A Safe, High-rate, and Long-life Organic-oxygen Battery: A New Chapter in Renewable Energy Storage Press Release, Research, Energy, Technology | 14 March 2019 // Alkali metal-oxygen batteries promise high...

09 October 2018 – 09 October 2018


「綠色增長」雙雄奪經濟諾獎 Media Coverage, Research, Nobel Prize | 09 October 2018 // 可持續發展關乎人類存亡,上世紀末起成為全球熱門議題,無數學者、智庫以至各國政府紛紛展開研究,期望扭轉人類命運。美國耶魯大學經濟學教授諾德豪斯與紐約大學經濟學教授羅默,分別把氣候變化和創新科技議題,融入宏觀經濟學分析框架,影響日後人類透過碳排放稅等政策,以市場力量推動「綠色增長」模式,昨日共同獲頒本年度諾貝爾經濟學獎。//   閱讀原文:http://bit.ly/2FF1IUL...
SDSN Hong Kong Commissions a Sustainable Development Survey – Paving the way for the establishment of ‘SDSN Youth Hong Kong’

29 September 2018 – 29 September 2018

SDSN Hong Kong Commissions a Sustainable Development Survey – Paving the way for the establishment of ‘SDSN Youth Hong Kong’

SDSN Hong Kong Commissions a Sustainable Development Survey – Paving the way for the establishment of ‘SDSN Youth Hong Kong’ Media Coverage, SDSN Hong Kong, Research, SDGs | 29 September 2018 // The Hong Kong Chapter of the United Nations’...