CUHK Launches ‘Mobile City Lab’ A Platform to Co-create the City Towards Sustainable Development

22 May 2019 – 22 May 2019

CUHK Launches ‘Mobile City Lab’ A Platform to Co-create the City Towards Sustainable Development

CUHK Launches ‘Mobile City Lab’ A Platform to Co-create the City Towards Sustainable Development Press Release, Smart City, Architecture, Urban Planning | 22 May 2019 // Jointly organised by the Urban Studies Programme,  the Master of Urban Design Programme, the...
CUHK Institute of Future Cites Provides Feasible Applications for Building Smart Cities Cluster in Greater Bay Area

06 May 2019 – 06 May 2019

CUHK Institute of Future Cites Provides Feasible Applications for Building Smart Cities Cluster in Greater Bay Area

CUHK Institute of Future Cites Provides Feasible Applications for Building Smart Cities Cluster in Greater Bay Area Press Release, Research, Technology, Air Pollution, Smart City | 06 May 2019 // IOFC recently announced the latest research findings on urban air...
CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Launches ‘Responsible Consumption and Waste Reduction Exhibition’ at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Green Gallery

06 May 2019 – 06 May 2019

CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Launches ‘Responsible Consumption and Waste Reduction Exhibition’ at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Green Gallery

CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Launches ‘Responsible Consumption and Waste Reduction Exhibition’ at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Green Gallery Press Release, SDSN Hong Kong, MoCC, Waste | 06 May 2019 // The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (the Museum) of...
CUHK Research Hints at Feasibility of Sustainable Farming Practices as a Means to Resolve the Worsening Food Crisis and Air Pollution Problem

24 April 2019 – 24 April 2019

CUHK Research Hints at Feasibility of Sustainable Farming Practices as a Means to Resolve the Worsening Food Crisis and Air Pollution Problem

CUHK Research Hints at Feasibility of Sustainable Farming Practices as a Means to Resolve the Worsening Food Crisis and Air Pollution Problem Press Release, Research, Air Pollution, Agriculture, Food | 24 April 2019 // Prof. Amos P. K. Tai of the Earth System Science...
CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change and SDSN Hong Kong Jointly Organise Plastic China and Start Small, Start Now: Screening and Forum

15 April 2019 – 15 April 2019

CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change and SDSN Hong Kong Jointly Organise Plastic China and Start Small, Start Now: Screening and Forum

CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change and SDSN Hong Kong Jointly Organise Plastic China and Start Small, Start Now: Screening and Forum Press Release, SDSN Hong Kong, MoCC, Waste, Plastic | 15 April 2019 // The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (the Museum) of...

05 April 2019 – 07 April 2019


中大尤努斯社會事業中心—賽馬會青年計劃舉辦「社會事業區域論壇2019:包容性社會創新與大學社會責任」 Press Release, Social Innovation | 05 April 2019 // 為鼓勵兩岸三地大專院校學生開展社會事業,貢獻社會,香港中文大學(中大)尤努斯社會事業中心 ––...
Breakthrough of CUHK Engineering in Battery Research A Safe, High-rate, and Long-life Organic-oxygen Battery: A New Chapter in Renewable Energy Storage

14 March 2019 – 14 March 2019

Breakthrough of CUHK Engineering in Battery Research A Safe, High-rate, and Long-life Organic-oxygen Battery: A New Chapter in Renewable Energy Storage

Breakthrough of CUHK Engineering in Battery Research A Safe, High-rate, and Long-life Organic-oxygen Battery: A New Chapter in Renewable Energy Storage Press Release, Research, Energy, Technology | 14 March 2019 // Alkali metal-oxygen batteries promise high...
CUHK and the University of Exeter Joint Centre Holds International Workshop on Environmental Sustainability and Resilience

01 March 2019 – 01 March 2019

CUHK and the University of Exeter Joint Centre Holds International Workshop on Environmental Sustainability and Resilience

CUHK and the University of Exeter Joint Centre Holds International Workshop on Environmental Sustainability and Resilience Press Release, Climate Change, Energy, Air Pollution | 01 March 2019 // The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) – University of Exeter (UoE)...
Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards 2019 Announces Partnerships with CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change and SDSN Hong Kong

21 January 2019 – 21 January 2019

Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards 2019 Announces Partnerships with CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change and SDSN Hong Kong

Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards 2019 Announces Partnerships with CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change and SDSN Hong Kong Press Release, SDSN Hong Kong, Climate Change, Collaboration, SDGs | 21 January 2019 // The 2019 Hong Kong ESG Reporting Awards (HERA) today...
CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change 5th Anniversary Celebration and Launch Ceremony of ‘SDSN Youth Hong Kong’

15 December 2018 – 15 December 2018

CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change 5th Anniversary Celebration and Launch Ceremony of ‘SDSN Youth Hong Kong’

CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change 5th Anniversary Celebration and Launch Ceremony of ‘SDSN Youth Hong Kong’ Press Release, SDSN Hong Kong, MoCC, SDGs | 15 December 2018 // The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (the Museum) of The Chinese...