海洋公園與香港中文大學簽署合作備忘錄 攜手推行生態保育及教育計劃

05 February 2021 – 05 February 2021

海洋公園與香港中文大學簽署合作備忘錄 攜手推行生態保育及教育計劃

海洋公園與香港中文大學簽署合作備忘錄 攜手推行生態保育及教育計劃 Press Release, Collaboration, SDG17 Partnerships for the Goals | 05 February 2021 // 海洋公園與香港中文大學(中大)今天簽署合作備忘錄,加強雙方在生態研究、保育工作和環保教育上的長期合作關係。新合作項目將涵蓋學生和公眾參與的保育和教育計劃,包括專為有特殊教育需要(SEN)的學生而設的學習活動,以及有關聯合國「可持續發展目標」的活動。簽署儀式在環境局局長黃錦星見證下舉行。//...
CUHK Architecture One University One Village Team and Two Graduates Take Home HKIA Awards

15 December 2020 – 15 December 2020

CUHK Architecture One University One Village Team and Two Graduates Take Home HKIA Awards

CUHK Architecture One University One Village Team and Two Graduates Take Home HKIA Awards Press Release, Award, Green Building, Architecture | 15 December 2020 // Members of the School of Architecture at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) have received three...
CUHK Business School Announces the 5th Hong Kong Business Sustainability Index and Launches the Greater Bay Area Business Sustainability Index

21 August 2020 – 21 August 2020

CUHK Business School Announces the 5th Hong Kong Business Sustainability Index and Launches the Greater Bay Area Business Sustainability Index

CUHK Business School Announces the 5th Hong Kong Business Sustainability Index and Launches the Greater Bay Area Business Sustainability Index Press Release, CSR, Hong Kong Business Sustainability Index | 21 August 2020 // The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)...
CUHK Research Reveals that Methane Emissions can Reduce the Climate Benefits of Subtropical Mangrove Wetlands by Half

02 July 2020 – 02 July 2020

CUHK Research Reveals that Methane Emissions can Reduce the Climate Benefits of Subtropical Mangrove Wetlands by Half

CUHK Research Reveals that Methane Emissions can Reduce the Climate Benefits of Subtropical Mangrove Wetlands by Half Press Release, Climate Change, Research | 02 July 2020 // An international collaborative study led by Professor Derrick Yuk Fo Lai at The Chinese...
Three CUHK Architecture PhD Students’ Papers About Healthy City Achieved “Most Cited Articles” in the Journal of Urban Climate

31 May 2020 – 31 May 2020

Three CUHK Architecture PhD Students’ Papers About Healthy City Achieved “Most Cited Articles” in the Journal of Urban Climate

Three CUHK Architecture PhD Students’ Papers About Healthy City Achieved “Most Cited Articles” in the Journal of Urban Climate Press Release, Climate Change, Research | 31 May 2020 // Three PhD students from the School of Architecture at The Chinese...
CUHK Proves and Visualises the Harmful Effect of Ozone Damage on Plants First Plant-based Measurement of Ozone in South China Region

08 April 2020 – 08 April 2020

CUHK Proves and Visualises the Harmful Effect of Ozone Damage on Plants First Plant-based Measurement of Ozone in South China Region

CUHK Proves and Visualises the Harmful Effect of Ozone Damage on Plants First Plant-based Measurement of Ozone in South China Region Press Release, Air Pollution | 08 April 2020 // A research team led by Professor Amos Tai, Associate Professor of the Earth System...
CUHK Sustainable Campus Receives Green Building Leadership Pioneer Award and Grand Awards from Green Building Award

16 January 2020 – 16 January 2020

CUHK Sustainable Campus Receives Green Building Leadership Pioneer Award and Grand Awards from Green Building Award

CUHK Sustainable Campus Receives Green Building Leadership Pioneer Award and Grand Awards from Green Building Award Press Release, Award, Green Building | 16 January 2020 Jointly organised by The Hong Kong Green Building Council and the Professional Green Building...
CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change 6th Anniversary Celebration and Launch of the ‘Climate Change: Past, Present, Future’ Exhibition

17 December 2019 – 17 December 2019

CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change 6th Anniversary Celebration and Launch of the ‘Climate Change: Past, Present, Future’ Exhibition

CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change 6th Anniversary Celebration and Launch of the ‘Climate Change: Past, Present, Future’ Exhibition Press Release, MoCC, Climate Change | 17 December 2019 The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change of The Chinese...
SDSN Hong Kong and CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Jointly Organise the ‘365 Ways to Change the World – From Creative Entrepreneurship to Antarctic Exploration’ Forum

31 October 2019 – 31 October 2019

SDSN Hong Kong and CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Jointly Organise the ‘365 Ways to Change the World – From Creative Entrepreneurship to Antarctic Exploration’ Forum

SDSN Hong Kong and CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Jointly Organise the ‘365 Ways to Change the World – From Creative Entrepreneurship to Antarctic Exploration’ Forum Press Release, SDSN Hong Kong, MoCC, Climate Change, SDGs | 31 October 2019 //...
CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Organises Premiere of Combating Climate Change: Towards a Low-carbon Future

23 September 2019 – 23 September 2019

CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Organises Premiere of Combating Climate Change: Towards a Low-carbon Future

CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Organises Premiere of Combating Climate Change: Towards a Low-carbon Future Press Release, MoCC, Climate Change | 23 September 2019 // The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) held...