CUHK joins International Universities Climate Alliance to promote exchanges on climate research and action

26 May 2022 – 26 May 2022

CUHK joins International Universities Climate Alliance to promote exchanges on climate research and action

CUHK joins International Universities Climate Alliance to promote exchanges on climate research and action Press Release, SDG13 Climate Action, SDG17 Partnerships for the Goals | 26 May 2022 // The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is a socially responsible...
Jockey Club ‘Sports without Limits’ Youth Empowerment Programme collaborates with Global Schools and SDSN Hong Kong to offer free online professional training courses on adapted physical activity

31 March 2022 – 31 March 2022

Jockey Club ‘Sports without Limits’ Youth Empowerment Programme collaborates with Global Schools and SDSN Hong Kong to offer free online professional training courses on adapted physical activity

Jockey Club ‘Sports without Limits’ Youth Empowerment Programme collaborates with Global Schools and SDSN Hong Kong to offer free online professional training courses on adapted physical activity Press Release, SDSN Hong Kong, Health & Wellness | 31...
Eight universities launch Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme with the support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club to promote responsible consumption and production

27 January 2022 – 27 January 2022

Eight universities launch Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme with the support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club to promote responsible consumption and production

Eight universities launch Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme with the support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club to promote responsible consumption and production Press Release, Collaboration, SDG12 Responsible Consumption and Production | 27 January 2022...
CUHK research predicts typhoons in Asia becoming stronger and longer-lasting with doubled destructive power by the end of century

27 December 2021 – 27 December 2021

CUHK research predicts typhoons in Asia becoming stronger and longer-lasting with doubled destructive power by the end of century

CUHK research predicts typhoons in Asia becoming stronger and longer-lasting with doubled destructive power by the end of century Press Release, Climate Change, Research | 27 December 2021 // A study led by Professor TAM Chi Yung Francis, Associate Professor of the...
前沿學術跨界交流 逾百學者線上線下參會 中大氣候變化、健康與可持續發展學術研討會開幕

24 November 2021 – 24 November 2021

前沿學術跨界交流 逾百學者線上線下參會 中大氣候變化、健康與可持續發展學術研討會開幕

前沿學術跨界交流 逾百學者線上線下參會 中大氣候變化、健康與可持續發展學術研討會開幕 Press Release, Climate Change, Health & Wellness | 24 November 2021 // 香港中文大學於今明兩天 (11月24及25日)連線北京舉辦「氣候變化、健康與可持續發展學術研討會」,研討會四個分題為氣候變化、空氣污染、健康影響與政策、健康與可持續發展城市,冀通過學者專家跨學科交流,促進人類生活變得更美好。今日上午中大祖堯堂進行的開幕典禮及首天會議,兩地出席者逾百人。 //...
CUHK Researchers Unveil a Novel Competition Strategy that May Fuel Plant Cells for a Sustainable Development of Crops

21 October 2021 – 21 October 2021

CUHK Researchers Unveil a Novel Competition Strategy that May Fuel Plant Cells for a Sustainable Development of Crops

CUHK Researchers Unveil a Novel Competition Strategy that May Fuel Plant Cells for a Sustainable Development of Crops Press Release, Research, Agriculture, SDG2 Zero Hunger | 21 October 2021 // Rapid climate change is contributing to decreased productivity in crops. A...
CUHK Business School Announces Five Business Sustainability Indices to Promote Responsible Business Practices in Hong Kong and Greater China

24 June 2021 – 24 June 2021

CUHK Business School Announces Five Business Sustainability Indices to Promote Responsible Business Practices in Hong Kong and Greater China

CUHK Business School Announces Five Business Sustainability Indices to Promote Responsible Business Practices in Hong Kong and Greater China Press Release, CSR, Hong Kong Business Sustainability Index | 24 June 2021 // The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)...

27 May 2021 – 27 May 2021


中大歡迎環境局局長、創科局局長及創科署署長到校參觀生產力局廚餘轉化系統「廚餘再生俠」 Press Release, Waste, SDG9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure | 27 May 2021 // 香港中文大學(中大)聯同香港生產力促進局(生產力局)邀得香港特別行政區政府環境局局長黃錦星先生、創新及科技局局長薛永恒先生及創新科技署署長潘婷婷女士,於5月26日親臨中大校園參觀由生產力局研發的「Food TranSmarter」(廚餘再生俠)。該系統由「創新及科技基金 –...
Leading Blue Energy Revolution: CUHK Faculty of Engineering Develops Water-Tube-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Efficient Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting

18 March 2021 – 18 March 2021

Leading Blue Energy Revolution: CUHK Faculty of Engineering Develops Water-Tube-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Efficient Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting

Leading Blue Energy Revolution: CUHK Faculty of Engineering Develops Water-Tube-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Efficient Ocean Wave Energy Harvesting Press Release, Research, Energy | 18 March 2021 //The research team led by Prof. Zi Yunlong, Assistant...