CUHK Business School Announces Five Business Sustainability Indices to Promote Responsible Business Practices in Hong Kong and Greater China

24 June 2021 – 24 June 2021

CUHK Business School Announces Five Business Sustainability Indices to Promote Responsible Business Practices in Hong Kong and Greater China

CUHK Business School Announces Five Business Sustainability Indices to Promote Responsible Business Practices in Hong Kong and Greater China Press Release, CSR, Hong Kong Business Sustainability Index | 24 June 2021 // The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)...
CUHK Business School Announces the 5th Hong Kong Business Sustainability Index and Launches the Greater Bay Area Business Sustainability Index

21 August 2020 – 21 August 2020

CUHK Business School Announces the 5th Hong Kong Business Sustainability Index and Launches the Greater Bay Area Business Sustainability Index

CUHK Business School Announces the 5th Hong Kong Business Sustainability Index and Launches the Greater Bay Area Business Sustainability Index Press Release, CSR, Hong Kong Business Sustainability Index | 21 August 2020 // The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)...
企業社會責任傳播論壇 港臺產學領袖齊聚

27 January 2019 – 27 January 2019

企業社會責任傳播論壇 港臺產學領袖齊聚

企業社會責任傳播論壇 港臺產學領袖齊聚 Media Coverage, CSR | 27 January 2019 // 中大新聞與傳播學院於1月23日召開第三屆「企業社會責任傳­播與可持續發展」論壇,與會嘉賓包括港台企業領袖、學者、中­大企業傳播研究生及業界人士。論壇的三個主題分別為:港台­企業可持續發展政策、指標和整體狀況介紹;從公用事業與生­活行業角度分享企業社會責任實踐;大學社會責任(USR)的形­成與實踐。 //   閱讀原文: Media Coverage...
SDSN Hong Kong and the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Jointly Organise ‘Business and Sustainability’ Forum

12 November 2018 – 12 November 2018

SDSN Hong Kong and the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Jointly Organise ‘Business and Sustainability’ Forum

SDSN Hong Kong and the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change Jointly Organise ‘Business and Sustainability’ Forum Press Release, SDSN Hong Kong, MoCC, CSR, SDGs | 12 November 2018 // The Hong Kong Chapter of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions...