Design Thinking Summer 2023: No Poverty and Zero Hunger

Jun 8, 2023

Design Thinking Summer 2023: No Poverty and Zero Hunger

The COVID-19 epidemic has led to a severe economic recession in Hong Kong. According to the ‘Hong Kong Poverty Situation Report 2020’ released by the Hong Kong government, before policy intervention, 1.653 million individuals were living in poverty within the city....
Knowledge Exchange: E&M InnoZone Guided Tour 2023

29 June 2023

Knowledge Exchange: E&M InnoZone Guided Tour 2023

認識創新科技如何推動本港智慧城市發展,展開創科之旅,發掘創科無限可能!歡迎中大同學及教職員報名。 日期:2023年6月29日(星期四) 時間:下午1:45至5:15 地點:機電工程署總部大樓(九龍啟成街3號) 形式:實體 語言:粵語 免費參加,立即報名: 備註: 名額有限,中大學生將獲優先考慮。 是次活動將免費接載參加者往返中文大學及參觀地點。 成功報名是次活動的參加者有機會獲得$50 Inno330/ Café 330 餐飲禮券乙張。...
CU60303.Care & Unite Programme Launched

23 May 2023 – 22 May 2024

CU60303.Care & Unite Programme Launched

In celebration of CUHK’s diamond jubilee, the Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office launches the CU60303.Care & Unite Programme to fulfil social responsibility. The programme aims to encourage all CUHK members including students, staff, alumni,...
Fair Trade Workshop

14 Jun 2023 – 16 Jun 2023

Fair Trade Workshop

賽馬會綠續源園將於六月舉辦一系列有關公平貿易的工作坊, 與同學一起探討有關公平貿易的概念,以及作為消費者於日常生活中支持公平貿易的方法。 SDG & Fair Trade Online Talk 參加者將認識公平貿易六大原則與可持續發展目標關係,探討公平貿易如何回應國際議題。 日期:2023年6月14日(星期三) 時間:晚上七時至八時 形式:線上 Fairtrade Chocolate Tasting & Dialogues Workshop 參加者將透過試食公平貿易朱古力,探討朱古力生產業中各持份者的觀點。...
2023 Tertiary Institutions x NGO Internship Program (Good Will; Good Act; Good Job)

21 April 2023 – 31 May 2023

2023 Tertiary Institutions x NGO Internship Program (Good Will; Good Act; Good Job)

社職正舉辦「大專大學 x 社福機構義工實習機會」計劃,連結大學與社福機構,為學生提供多元化實習機會。此計劃共有80多家社福機構參與,提供超過500個暑期義工實習機會。學生透過參與此計劃,能夠獲得寶貴的職場體驗,豐富自己的個人經歷和履歷。同時,此計劃也讓機構更加了解新一代的想法,並與學生攜手為社區創造更多積極的影響。   截止報名日期:2023年5月31日(星期三) 詳情及報名:   Social Career is now organizing the ‘Tertiary...

16 May 2023


因發展、老化或颱風而砍伐的樹木材料如何能再次為社會帶來價值?在「本地原木電話座工作坊」中,參加者將了解如何讓木資源再生,製成商用木材和傢俱,並利用本地木材親手製作一個手提電話座。   作品:原木手提電話座 日期:2023年5月16日(星期二) 時間:15:00–16:30 地點:康本國際學術園502室 語言:粵語 費用:全免 報名:   備註: 1. 若參加人數超出限額,將以抽籤形式處理。 2. 參確認電郵將於工作坊前一星期發送給成功報名人士。  ...
2023 Summer Peace Fellowship

6 May 2023

2023 Summer Peace Fellowship

Peace Generation will host their Summer Peace Fellowship in May to July 2023. Peace Fellowship is designed for university students interested in social, political and cultural issues in Hong Kong. Participants will examine fundamental concepts of peace and conflict,...
Meet UP! Entrepreneurship Support week

17 April 2023 – 21 April 2023

Meet UP! Entrepreneurship Support week

The Office of Research and Knowledge Transfer Services will launch a promotional campaign ‘Meet UP! Entrepreneurship Support Week’ to outreach more CUHK students and promote entrepreneurship opportunities and support in CUHK to them. Date: 17 – 21 April 2023 Time:...
‘Clean Bin Project’ Documentary Screening and Sharing Session

31 March 2023

‘Clean Bin Project’ Documentary Screening and Sharing Session

《清空垃圾桶計劃》紀錄一對情侶長達一年,以過著避免製造垃圾的生活為目標的競爭,更以直率的觀點,審視今日這個用完即棄的社會。在映後分享會中,梁教授將講述他對廚餘的文化研究,藉此帶領觀眾思考如何推動社區協作的環保實踐。   日期:2023年3月31日(星期五) 時間:下午七時至九時半 地點:中大陳國本樓UG層3號演講廳 (只限現場參與,座位有限,先到先得) 講者:梁仕池教授 — 香港嶺南大學文化研究系的研究助理教授(研究) 主持:CNEX基金會代表  ...
CUHK Earth Month 2023

March 2023 – April 2023

CUHK Earth Month 2023

To build on the annual celebration of Earth Day (22 April), CUHK’s Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office and SDSN Hong Kong are thrilled to present a series of activities related to Earth, environment and...
CUHK Participates in Earth Hour

25 March 2023

CUHK Participates in Earth Hour

CUHK continues to support ‘Earth Hour’ this year. To raise public awareness of wetland habitats, non-essential lights on campus will be switched off at 8:30pm on 25 March (Saturday) for an hour. Students, staff and alumni are most welcomed to support the...
Green Graduation Photo-taking Day

6 March 2023 – 16 April 2023

Green Graduation Photo-taking Day

於即將到來的畢業班拍照日,準畢業生不妨實踐惜物減廢,同時發揮創意: 升級再造現有毛公仔為畢業公仔; 選用蔬果花束,拍照後可食用; 避免使用即棄物品;或 轉贈多餘禮物予他人。 Let’s be mindful and creative in reducing waste on the upcoming graduation photo-taking day: Upcycle your existing soft toys; Order or DIY edible veggie bouquet; Avoid using...