
03 December 2021 – 03 December 2021


樹猶如此,城何以堪?──樹木管理與可持續發展 03 December 2021 07:00pm 可持續發展目標(SDGs)目標15是「陸上的生命」(Life on Land),這個目標是促進落實各式森林的永續管理、終止毀林、恢復退化森林,以及大幅增加全球造林和再造林,當中也包括對於實施城市林務(urban forestry)的責任。...
Sustainability in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

23 June 2020 – 23 June 2020

Sustainability in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Sustainability in the Age of Artificial Intelligence 23 June 2020 06:00pm Date   23 June 2020 (Tuesday) Time   6:00 – 8:00 pm (Hong Kong GMT+8) (check your time zone here) Venue   Online (Zoom) Language   Cantonese Speakers   Professor Meng Mei Ling, HelenPatrick Huen...
Climate Change and Food Security

16 June 2020 – 16 June 2020

Climate Change and Food Security

Climate Change and Food Security 16 June 2020 06:00pm Date   16 June 2020 (Tuesday) Time   6:00 – 8:00 pm (Hong Kong GMT+8) (check your time zone here) Venue   Online (Zoom) Language   Cantonese / English Speakers   Professor Lam Hon MingProfessor, School of Life...