綠色畢業班拍照日 Green Graduation Photo-taking Day

06 May 2022 – 20 May 2022

綠色畢業班拍照日 Green Graduation Photo-taking Day

綠色畢業班拍照日 Green Graduation Photo-taking Day 06 May 2022 於即將到來的畢業班拍照日,準畢業生不妨惜物減廢,同時發揮創意: 將家中的毛公仔改造成畢業公仔; 選用蔬果花束,拍照後可食用; 避免使用即棄物品; 轉贈多餘禮物予他人。 Let’s be mindful and creative in reducing waste on the upcoming graduation photo-taking day: Add a graduation touch to your...

25 November 2021 – 25 November 2021


「管制即棄塑膠」公眾參與 25 November 2021 04:00pm 可持續發展委員會(委員會)於九月三十日啓動「管制即棄塑膠」公眾參與的公眾互動階段,冀藉此為公眾提供有關即棄塑膠的資訊,並展開對相關議題的討論,從而探討如何逐步管制非必要和難以回收的即棄塑膠製品,讓委員會向政府提出建議。 委員會已展開一連串公眾參與活動,而其中一場公眾諮詢將於中大校園內舉行。 詳情 日期:2021年11月25日(星期四) 時間:下午4時至5時 地點:信和樓三樓李冠春堂 (LT1) 語言:粵語 報名:https://bit.ly/3kuP39Y...
GE Salon 2018-19 Home.Homeland.Homecoming: ‘A Plastic Ocean’: Film Screening & Sharing

27 September 2018 – 27 September 2018

GE Salon 2018-19 Home.Homeland.Homecoming: ‘A Plastic Ocean’: Film Screening & Sharing

GE Salon 2018-19 Home.Homeland.Homecoming: ‘A Plastic Ocean’: Film Screening & Sharing 27 September 2018 06:30am LT5, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK Organizers: Office of University General Education and Campus Planning and Sustainability Office...
Green Hong Kong Green (GHKG) ‘Night Safari at Lamma’ guided tour – night exploration and ecological hunt

04 July 2018 – 04 August 2018

Green Hong Kong Green (GHKG) ‘Night Safari at Lamma’ guided tour – night exploration and ecological hunt

Green Hong Kong Green (GHKG) ‘Night Safari at Lamma’ guided tour – night exploration and ecological hunt 04 July 2018 Date: 7 July, 4 August (registration ends one week before the event) Organizer: Hong Kong Electric Enquiries: 2728 6781 HK Electric and...
2018 Green Competition Camp under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium

15 June 2018 – 15 June 2018

2018 Green Competition Camp under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium

2018 Green Competition Camp under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium 15 June 2018 Organizer: Cross-Strait Green University Consortium (CUHK is a member) Application deadline: 5:00 pm on 15 Jun 2018 Camp date: 24 – 30 August 2018 Destination: Beijing Green...