Local Biodiversity and Conservation

Nov 23, 2023

Local Biodiversity and Conservation

《淺談香港生態保育》 是次講座關於本地生物多樣性和保育工作,許浩霖教授將與我們探索過去保育計畫所面臨的挑戰及未來的方向。同時,邱榮光博士亦會深入講解香港大埔鳳園的蝴蝶保護區中從業人員的經驗。我們將透過一系列有關本地生物多樣性保育的過去計劃,探討所面臨的挑戰以及其解決方案。我們亦將探討政府迄今為止的相關工作以及政府在環境保育中的角色。是次講座與多個可持續發展目標(SDGs)密切相關,特別是SDG 11(可持續城市和社區)、SDG 13(氣候行動)、SDG 14(水下生物)、SDG 15(陸地生物)和SDG...
Carbon Offsetting Encouragement Policy

1 January 2024 – 31 December 2024

Carbon Offsetting Encouragement Policy

Carbon Offsetting Encouragement Policy The Policy As a socially responsible tertiary education institution committed to advancing the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, The Chinese University of Hong Kong encourages all staff members to offset carbon...
Clothing Swap Pop-up Market at CUHK

Sep 11, 2023

Clothing Swap Pop-up Market at CUHK

Clothing Swap Pop-up Market at CUHK The 2nd round of Clothing Swap event organized by the Jockey Club Sustainable Campus Consumer Programme was held earlier in May 2023. Collected clothes will be distributed for free among eight university government-funded...
Global Conference on Sustainable Development

Aug 25, 2023

Global Conference on Sustainable Development

  The Hong Kong Chapter of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN Hong Kong) and the CUHK Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability (IEES) will be co-hosting the Global Conference on Sustainable Development (GCSD) in...
Energy Conservation Incentive Scheme for Student Hostels

13 July 2022 – 01 October 2022

Energy Conservation Incentive Scheme for Student Hostels

In 2023 the University introduced the Energy Conservation Incentive Scheme for Student Hostels (ECIS-SH) with the participation of all CUHK hostel buildings of the Colleges, Postgraduate Halls and I-House. The aim of ECIS-SH is to encourage positive behavioural change...