智慧校園方案比賽2020/21 頒獎典禮 暨 智慧講座 Smart Campus Solutions Competition 2020/21 Award Ceremony cum Smart Talk

 日期:  2022年1月20日(星期四)
 20 January 2022 (Thursday)
 時間:  下午二時三十分至四時正
 Time:  14:30 – 16:00
 地點:  香港中文大學康本國際學術園2樓6號演講廳
 Venue:  LT 6, Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

程序 Rundown

1415 登記 Registration
1430 – 1435 歡迎辭 Welcome Address
  香港中文大學校長 段崇智教授
  Professor Rocky S Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
1435 – 1450 智慧校園方案比賽2020/21頒獎儀式
  Smart Campus Solutions Competition 2020/21 Award Presentation
1450 – 1510 獲獎團隊分享 Sharing by Winning Teams
1510 – 1600 智慧講座 – 「智慧校園:一個智慧城市的縮影」
  Smart Talk – “Smart Campus: An Epitome of Smart City”
  智慧城市聯盟空間數據基礎設施委員會主席 鄧兆星博士
  Dr Kenneth Tang, Chairman, Spatial Data Infrastructure Committee, Smart City Consortium
1600 – 1630 賽馬會氣候變化博物館導賞
  Guided tour of the Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change

智慧講座 —「智慧校園:一個智慧城市的縮影」

Smart Talk — “Smart Campus: An Epitome of Smart City”

Although there is no universal definition of Smart City, it is generally agreed that the ultimate goal of Smart City development is to enhance citizens’ quality of living. Likewise, there is no single definition of Smart Campus but in general people would regard a Smart Campus as a quality environment for learning, living and sharing of knowledge.

With the same common goal of achieving quality of living, Smart Campus is indeed an epitome of Smart City albeit with less stakeholders and reduced complexity. Concepts and innovations embedded in Smart Campus would be instrumental in promoting Smart City development. It would be interesting to examine the framework and design criteria for Smart Campus and to learn from success stories by looking at overseas case studies.

In this presentation, the roles played by the four pillars of Smart City development, namely data, technology, policy and talents will be discussed. The new initiatives related to Smart City development in Hong Kong such as the Smart City Blueprint, Common Spatial Database Infrastructure (CSDI) and Geospatial Lab will also be introduced together with examples of smart applications to illustrate how advanced technologies can be applied effectively to drive Smart City development.

講者 Speaker

鄧兆星博士 Dr Kenneth Tang


Chairman, Spatial Data Infrastructure Committee, Smart City Consortium

Dr Kenneth Tang is a Registered Professional Planner (RPP) and Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners (FHKIP). He is also an Adjunct Associate Professor of the Department of Urban Planning and Design (DUPAD), The University of Hong Kong (HKU).

He serves on a number of professional bodies, notably as Past President and Executive Committee Member of the Hong Kong Geographic Information System Association (HKGISA), Chairman of the Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Committee of the Smart City Consortium (SCC), Board Director of the Hong Kong Alliance of Build Asset & Environment Information Management Association (HKABAEIMA) and Conservation E3 Foundation, Chief Editor of the HKIP Journal. He was recently appointed by the HKSARG as Member of the Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) Advisory Committee.

Dr Tang obtained his MSc (Urban Planning) and PhD in Geographic Information System (GIS) from HKU.