Smart Campus Webinar 2021 ─ 3D modeling: Making your own plant pot

How to pitch your ideas in a productive way? 3D modeling and printing can turn your idea into a reality in a high-speed and economical way. 

In the webinar, participants will learn basic knowledge about 3D modeling and printing and be given opportunity to design their 3D plant pot by TinkerCAD. 

Date: 30 April 2021 (Friday) 

Time: 15:00–17:00 

Format: Zoom 

Language: Cantonese 

Register now: 


  1. The Smart CUHK Challenge will sponsor all participants the printing cost for a 3D plant pot (a cube with dimension of 6cm each) by the 3D printer ‘Ultimaker 3’ in the MakerSpace Garden of the CUHK Library. Reimbursement details will be announced later.
  2. The login and course details will be sent to all successful registrants via email three days before the webinar.
  3. No special skill/knowledge is required. All are welcome.