
Co-Chairpersons Appointed by the Vice-Chancellor Professor Alan Chan, Provost
Professor Nick Rawlins, Pro-Vice-Chancellor / Vice-President
Members Up to four members of the academic staff appointed by the Co-Chairpersons Professor Hong Ying Yi, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Management
Professor Lam Hon Ming, Director, Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability
Professor Amos Tai, Director, Earth System Science Programme
Professor Xu Yuan, Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Resource Management
Chairperson, Run Run Shaw Science Building Management Committee (ex officio) Professor Jimmy Lee, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Members from professional and administrative service units (ex officio)
– Bursar and Director of Finance or representative Ms Salome Lam
– Director, Campus Development Office Mr Li Sing Cheung
– Director, Estates Management Office Mr Edmond Lam
– Director, Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office Mrs Cecilia Lam
Co-Secretaries Appointed by the Co-Chairpersons Mr Joseph Chan, Head of Communications and Engagement, Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office
Dr Ada Chan, Senior Manager (Social Impact), Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Office
Terms of Reference

The Task Force on Carbon Neutrality is a subcommittee of the Committee on Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development with the following terms of reference.

    1. To advise senior management on the strategies and action plans for the CUHK Carbon Neutral 2038 initiative;
    2. To oversee and monitor the CUHK Carbon Neutral 2038 initiative, and report to the Committee on Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development on the progress of the initiative; and
    3. To study the best practices and international examples, and make recommendations for new projects for consideration by senior management via the Committee on Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development.