香港中文大學賽馬會氣候變化博物館十周年慶典 暨 「MoCC 學人」就任典禮
香港中文大學(中大)賽馬會氣候變化博物館創館十周年,於 12月16日舉行十周年慶典暨「MoCC 學人」就任典禮。由碳中和及可持續發展委員會主席林正財醫生、中大校長段崇智教授、極地博物館基金創辦人李樂詩博士、中大副校長(校友關係及拓展)陳德章教授、中大賽馬會氣候變化博物館館長楊詩詩女士以及中大賽馬會氣候變化博物館MoCC 學人鍾芯豫女士擔任主禮嘉賓。
主禮嘉賓林正財醫生致辭時表示:「香港已訂下進取的減碳目標,爭取在2050年前實現碳中和。為帶領香港邁向碳中和,特區政府已制定《香港氣候行動藍圖2050》,針對香港的主要碳排放源。在樹立減碳的典範方面,中大展現了卓越的表現,為學界同儕樹立了好榜樣。」他樂見中大作為教與學的領導者,透過博物館於本年開展新計劃「MoCC學人」,為曾經擔任博物館大使,並於畢業後繼續熱心參與環境事務與氣候行動的傑出中大校友提供支持,培育新一代的綠色領袖。他祝賀鍾芯豫女士成為首位MoCC 學人,並期盼能在邁向碳中和的道路上能與一眾年輕又具魄力的人才齊心協力,為香港的可持續發展出一分力。

The Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (MoCC) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) celebrated its 10th Anniversary and held the ‘MoCC Scholars’ Inauguration Ceremony on Saturday, 16 December 2023.
Officiating at the ceremony were Dr Lam Ching Choi, Chairman of the Council for Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Development, Professor Rocky S Tuan, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, Dr Rebecca Lee, Founder of the Polar Museum Foundation, Professor Anthony T.C. Chan, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Alumni Relations and Advancement) of CUHK, Mrs Cecilia Lam, Director of the CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change, and Ms Natalie Chung, MoCC Scholar of CUHK Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change.
In his welcome address, Professor Tuan noted that CUHK, as a socially responsible university, upholds the principle of sustainable development and is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2038. The MoCC, being the first museum of its kind in the world, was established in 2013 with the generous support of The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to inspire public participation in climate action. “Through a decade of continuous efforts, the MoCC has become the major outreach arm of the University’s sustainability and climate education programmes,” said Professor Tuan, “The MoCC has hosted over 1.5 million exhibition visitors since its inception through its community-based education efforts.”
The Guest of Honour, Dr Lam Ching-choi, said, “Hong Kong has set bold carbon reduction targets and strives to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. To lead Hong Kong towards this goal of carbon neutrality, the SAR Government has announced the “Climate Action Plan 2050”, targeting major sources of carbon emissions in Hong Kong.” He noted that “CUHK has demonstrated outstanding performance as an example amongst its academic peers in realising carbon reduction.” He also expressed his pleasure in seeing that CUHK as a leader in teaching and learning, is making use of the MoCC’s new initiative “MoCC Scholars” to cultivate outstanding CUHK alumni into a new generation of green leaders and provide them with institutional support for their involvement in environmental affairs and climate action. He congratulated Ms Natalie Chung on becoming the inaugural MoCC Scholar, and looked forward to working with these young sustainability enthusiasts to achieve carbon neutrality and sustainable development of Hong Kong.
More details about the Museum can be found here.