SDG Forum Series – Grand Challenges to Sustainability: Dialogues in a Time of Pandemic

02 June 2020
The talk series ‘Grand Challenges to Sustainability: Dialogues in a Time of Pandemic’, as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Forum Series, is jointly organized by the Hong Kong Chapter of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN Hong Kong) and Office of University General Education, CUHK. Through a series of five webinars in June, scholars of CUHK and experts from different sectors will share their views on global challenges related to the SDGs and the ways to build a sustainable future.
Webinar details:
- 2 June 2020 (Tuesday): Social Determinants of Health Inequality: What are the Lessons of COVID-19 in Hong Kong and around the World?
- 9 June 2020 (Tuesday): Pandemic Planning and SDGs: The Importance of Community Planning for Human Flourishing
- 16 June 2020 (Tuesday): Climate Change and Food Security
- 23 June 2020 (Tuesday): Sustainability in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
- 30 June 2020 (Tuesday): Ways to Build a Sustainable Future