Screening and Forum of Documentary ‘A Plastic Ocean’

21 April 2018
CMA Lecture Theatre (LT2), Yasumoto International Academic Park G/F, CUHK
Time: (Mini carnival) 1:30 – 2:30 pm*; (Film screening) 2:30 – 5:00 pm
Organizer: Jockey Club Museum of Climate Change (supported by the Campus Planning and Sustainability Office of CUHK and WWF-Hong Kong)
Language: English
Produced by Plastic Oceans Foundation, ‘A Plastic Ocean’ Documentary reveals the devastating impact of plastic waste on the marine environment, and its threat to human health. The film has been screened in over 60 countries, and received numerous awards in film festivals. The screening will be followed by a post-screening discussion with the film’s producer Jo Ruxton and experts from WWF and CUHK. All are welcome. Free Admission.
*A mini carnival with green game booths will be held. Please bring your own reusable cup/bottle to receive a free drink.