Exercise Snacking – Your Future Exercise Trend

04 March 2021
Physical exercise is essential for everyone in all circumstances! In this presentation, Mr Adrian Liu, from PolyU (in charge of the Exercise is Medicine on campus) explains all you need to know about getting enough exercise. He will elaborate on the benefits of split exercises and share tips on staying healthy. Some PolyU students will join the professional instructors in exercise demonstrations focusing on strength and cardio so you can learn the best techniques to get moving!
Date:04.3.2021 (Thu)|1:00–2:00pm
Speaker:Mr Adrian Liu, ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist, Student Affairs Office, PolyU
Online registration:https://polyu.hk/NQljL
More Unify online events:http://www.hkscc.edu.hk/activities/JUC2021