2018 Green Competition Camp under Cross-Strait Green University Consortium
15 June 2018
Organizer: Cross-Strait Green University Consortium (CUHK is a member)
Application deadline: 5:00 pm on 15 Jun 2018
Camp date: 24 – 30 August 2018
Destination: Beijing
Green Competition Theme: Water (the project type is up to the student, e.g. can be a study topic, an idea for a water-themed mobile app or new product, etc.)
Highlights: Green Competition, Seminars on Green Topics, Visits to Beijing’s Water Resources (Kunming Lake, Shisha Sea, Yanqi Lake, Tuancheng Lake, The Grand Canal, etc.) (*** CUHK will support full airfare for students.)
Quota: 10 (students have to form groups of two to four themselves and submit a brief proposal; please see group application form for details)