Funded Projects

CUHK is committed in its Strategic Plan 2021–2025 (‘CUHK 2025’) to achieving carbon neutrality by 2038. We are the first among local universities to pledge to become carbon neutral.  While the University continues to make its buildings and operations more energy efficient and environmentally-friendly, we need your commitment and support to adopting green practices in daily life.

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Your commitment and actions to make CUHK greener: I will…

1. Turn off unused electrical appliances and equipment before leaving a room

2. Minimize waste generation by practicing the 6R Principles

     (Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle)

3. Bring your own and say NO to disposable containers
4. Know your appetite and avoid wasting food
5. Use the stairs to walk up one floor or walk down two floors
6. Walk to cover short distances on campus instead of driving or taking school buses


Funded Projects

Upcycling and Conserving Together, The Jockey Club Postgraduate Hall 2

The project encourages residents to donate old clothes to redeem energy-efficient products in the thrifting market. It instils energy-saving behaviours among residents, influencing their purchase decisions towards energy-efficient products.

Watermelon group, Shaw College Student Hostel II

Aiming at improving residents’ awareness of energy saving, the project team promotes ‘Replace elevator with stairs’, issues energy-saving e-mails, and organize DIY workshops.

Video on Energy Saving Tips at hostel, Lee Woo Sing College

To educate residents on the importance of energy saving in the hostel and share energy-saving tips, the project produces a short film, displayed on the college lobby TV Wall.

Sunny Days Ahead, Wu Yee Sun College

To raise awareness of energy conservation and electricity consumption reduction, an intra-hostel air-conditioning competition is organized by the project team. The team also produces video reels to promote energy saving through social media.

Save Energy for a better joint future, Shaw College Kuo Mou Hall

The project organizes a campus tour for the residents, introducing the green buildings and energy-saving features. The tour inspires the participants to understand the university’s efforts on sustainability and thereby raises their awareness of energy conservation

Energy Conservation through Fan Give-Away Initiative, I-House

Through a quiz-based competition and the fan giveaway initiative, the team aims to reduce residents’ dependency on air conditioning and promote the use of energy-efficient fans. The team also engages with the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department’s School Outreach Programme to provide energy-saving tips to students.