Since May 2019, the University has been participating in the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) Scheme initiated by the HKSAR Government.  This scheme offers monetary rewards to incentivize the adoption of renewable energy installations.  Through the development of solar PV systems, the University can sell the renewable energy to the power company at a rate of HK$2.5–4 per unit (kWh).  The revenue generated can then be directed towards developing and implementing new sustainability initiatives, which play a crucial role in realizing CUHK’s ambitious goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2038, as outlined in the Strategic Plan 2021–2025 (‘CUHK 2025’).

Examples of initiatives financed by the revenue generated from FiT:

    • CUHK Carbon Neutral 2038 Consultancy
    • Energy Conservation Incentive Scheme for Student Hostels (ECIS-SH)
    • Green Mobility for Blue Sky (Link)