有機農業的歷史根源與當今農業息息相關。透過探索有機農業的歷史,我們可以看出當前的做法是如何深深植根於傳統和歷史智慧。本次講座中,梁仕池教授將闡述有機耕作的歷史起源如何影響當今農業,並講解有機農業技術的連續性及演變過程。周思中博士將分享他現時在香港擔任有機農民的親身經歷,並將他的生活與歷史上(即20世紀以來)有機農民的生活進行比較。是次論壇與多個可持續發展目標(SDGs)相關,包括SDG 2(消除飢餓)、SDG 8(體面工作和經濟增長)、SDG 9(產業、創新和基礎設施)、SDG 11(可持續城市和社區)與SDG 12(負責任的消費與生產)等。
日期: 2024年5月9日(四)
講者:梁仕池教授(香港嶺南大學文化研究系的研究助理教授)、周思中博士(生活館及「Seeds Lab 」創辦人)
網上報名: http://bit.ly/443ZUgk
香港中文大學大學通識教育部 及 聯合國可持續發展解決方案網絡香港地區分會合辦
Exploring Organic Farming – Conventional Wisdom and Modern Agriculture
Organic farming establishes a strong connection between its historical roots and its present-day practice. By exploring the history of organic farming, we can discern how current practices are deeply rooted in traditional and historical wisdom. In the upcoming seminar, Professor LEUNG will shed light on the intricate relationship between organic farming practices today and their historical origins, providing valuable insights into the continuity and evolution of organic farming techniques. Dr CHOW will share his hands-on experience in being an organic farmer in Hong Kong nowadays and compare his life with an organic farmer in history (meaning since 20th century).This forum is highly relevant to several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular, SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production).
Date: 9 May 2024 (Thursday)
Time: 7:00pm–8:30pm
Venue: LT5, 2/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK
Speakers: Professor Daren LEUNG (Research Assistant Professor, Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University, Hong Kong), Dr CHOW Sze Chung (Founder of ‘Sangwoodgoon’ and ‘Seeds Lab’)
Moderator: Professor Amos TAI (Associate Professor, Earth and Environmental Science Programme; Director, Earth System Science Programme and Associate Director, Office of University General Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Forum will be conducted in Cantonese. Free admission, all are welcome.
* Limited seats in the lecture theatre. First come first served.
**On-site participation or via ZOOM.
Online Registration: bit.ly/443ZUgk
Enquiry: sdg-ouge@cuhk.edu.hk
Co-organized by Office of University General Education, CUHK and SDSN Hong Kong
講者簡介 About the Speakers
Professor Daren LEUNG is a research assistant Professor at the Department of Cultural Studies at Lingnan University, Hong Kong. After receiving his PhD. from the University of Sydney, he returns to Hong Kong to continue his research and teaching on food, environment, sustainability and urban commons. He co-founded Day Day Waste-Wise with students and community partners to promote the community-oriented practices of recycling food waste.
周思中博士為生活館及「Seeds Lab 」創辦人,從事有機蔬菜生產及相關教育十餘年。他曾於香港各大專院教任教,嘗試將與農業和耕種相關的知識和議題帶入班房。2018年於嶺南大學文化研究系完成博士論文,並於2022年出版本地蔬菜產業研究專書《夕陽的光》。耕種生涯的起點乃是學習永續農業──回歸自然的耕作方法,也從本地卧虎藏龍的老農的技藝中獲得滋潤,近年努力學習和實驗再生農業「regenerative agriculture」。
Dr CHOW Sze Chung is the founder of ‘Sangwoodgoon’ and ‘Seeds Lab’. He has been engaged in organic vegetable production and promoted farming through education for more than 10 years. He has taught at various tertiary institutions in Hong Kong, trying to bring knowledge and issues related to agriculture and farming into the classroom. In 2018, he completed his doctoral thesis at the Department of Cultural Studies of Lingnan University, and published the book ‘The Light of the Sunset’ on the local vegetable industry in 2022. The starting point of his farming career is to learn the natural method of ‘permaculture’. He also gains nourishment from the skills of established local farmers. In recent years, he has worked hard to learn and experiment with ‘regenerative agriculture’.
主持簡介 About the Moderator
Professor Amos TAI is an Associate Professor in Earth and Environmental Sciences Programme and Director of Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, CUHK, also serving concurrently as the Associate Director of Office of University General Education. Amos obtained his BSc. from MIT, PhD. in Environmental Science and Engineering from Harvard, and was a Croucher Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT before he joined CUHK in 2013. His research focuses on atmospheric chemistry and physics, ecoclimatology, and sustainable agriculture and forestry. Amos is also a passionate educator, having received the prestigious CUHK Vice-Chancellor Exemplary Teaching Award and Faculty Exemplary Teaching Award. Amos delights in promoting science, environmental and sustainability education for the general public, regularly giving talks in schools and public avenues and participating in many TV and radio programs. He has provided professional consulting services to various government departments, and currently serves as a Board Governor of Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong).