生產力局研發全港首個廚餘分解漿液系統 分解飯菜轉成電能

29 January 2021 – 29 January 2021

生產力局研發全港首個廚餘分解漿液系統 分解飯菜轉成電能

生產力局研發全港首個廚餘分解漿液系統 分解飯菜轉成電能 Media Coverage, Collaboration, Food | 29 January 2021 // 香港生產力促進局獲創新科技署資助,研發全港首個自動將廚餘分解成漿液的廚餘轉化系統「廚餘再生俠」(Food TranSmarter) ,並於去年9月起在香港中文大學4間食堂開展試行計劃。計劃試行至今,花費約170萬元,處理16.3噸廚餘,同時將廚餘轉化成近5000度電。...
CUHK Research Hints at Feasibility of Sustainable Farming Practices as a Means to Resolve the Worsening Food Crisis and Air Pollution Problem

24 April 2019 – 24 April 2019

CUHK Research Hints at Feasibility of Sustainable Farming Practices as a Means to Resolve the Worsening Food Crisis and Air Pollution Problem

CUHK Research Hints at Feasibility of Sustainable Farming Practices as a Means to Resolve the Worsening Food Crisis and Air Pollution Problem Press Release, Research, Air Pollution, Agriculture, Food | 24 April 2019 // Prof. Amos P. K. Tai of the Earth System Science...