No Air Con Night 2021

08 October 2021 – 08 October 2021

No Air Con Night 2021

No Air Con Night 2021 08 October 2021 No Air Con Night 2021 As a long-standing supporting organization of the ‘No Air Con Night’ event by Green Sense, CUHK encourages the University community to switch off the air con in the offices, student hostels, staff...

10 August 2021 – 01 October 2021


2021全港綠色微電影創作大賽 10 August 2021 全港綠色微電影創作大賽由香港環境師學會主辦,藉此提高香港市民環保意識,保育意識和可持續發展為目標,促進香港本地環保事業。勝出者將獲得現金獎。 截止日期:2021年10月1日(星期五) 了解更多: External Event...
Global Solutions Lab

13 June 2021 – 26 June 2021

Global Solutions Lab

Global Solutions Lab 13 June 2021 The Global Solutions Lab will be held virtually during 13–26 June this year.  The Lab is designed to develop strategic solutions for reaching the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.  A series of activities will be...

03 May 2021 – 13 June 2021


香港綠色日2021 03 May 2021 為響應「聯合國世界環境日」,環保促進會將6月5日訂為「香港綠色日」,並透過舉辦不同活動喚起社會各界對環保的關注,提高市民環保意識。   著「綠」行動 於6月5日或整個「綠(6)月份」穿戴綠色衣著及飾物,或戴上香港綠色日紀念襟章,一同於社區宣揚綠色生活文化。   「惜食識食」有營烹飪大賽 此比賽鼓勵大家於選購和煮食過程中宣揚環保訊息一珍惜食物及減少廚餘,創作符合「惜食識食」有營食譜。 報名截止日期: 2021年5月30日(星期日)...
Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs ─ Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism

26 April 2021 – 26 April 2021

Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs ─ Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism

26 April 2021 09:00pm In April, the Book Club with Jeffrey Sachs will discuss Mission Economy: A Moonshot Guide to Changing Capitalism by Mariana Mazzucato.  Join the conversation on tackling the biggest problems of our time to create a more sustainable future.  Date:...