綠色辦公室計劃 (「綠識辦」)頒奬禮2023已於近日成功舉行,以表揚中大各辦公室積極實踐可持續發展目標的努力及成果。典禮上共有111個中大辦公室獲得「實力綠識辦」殊榮,其中包括18個類別獎項、12個鉑金獎、23個金獎及41個優異獎。另外,學生宿舍節約能源獎勵計劃 2023的獎項同時亦於典禮上頒發 ,其中包括2組學生隊伍獲得創新獎和參與獎及13所學生宿舍獲得金獎、銀獎、銅獎和優異獎 ,成績令人鼓舞。






The Green Office Programme (‘GO!’) Green Award Ceremony 2023 was successfully held recently to recognize the efforts and achievements of various university offices in actively practising the Sustainable Development Goals.  A total of 111 CUHK offices were recognized as Competent Green Offices, which include the winner of 18 Category Awards, 12 Platinum Awards, 23 Gold Awards and 41 Merit Awards, which is an inspiring accomplishment.

‘GO!’ was launched in 2012 with a commitment to cultivate sustainability knowledge and drive sustainable practices in all the university offices in order to achieve campus-wide sustainability targets.  By implementing simple yet effective measures outlined in the ‘GO!’ Checklist, university offices are able to achieve environmental performance and enhance their commitment to sustainable development.

For details, please visit the following websites:

‘GO!’: https://www.srsdo.cuhk.edu.hk/en-gb/go

‘ECIS-SH’ : https://srsdo.cuhk.edu.hk/home/get-involved/cuhk-community/energy-conservation-incentive-scheme-for-student-hostels/