Smart Campus Solutions Competition 2020/21 Award Ceremony cum Smart Talk Event

15 December 2021 – 15 December 2022

Smart Campus Solutions Competition 2020/21 Award Ceremony cum Smart Talk Event

智慧校園方案比賽2020/21 頒獎典禮 暨 智慧講座 Smart Campus Solutions Competition 2020/21 Award Ceremony cum Smart Talk 為慶祝三隊智慧團隊獲得佳績,智慧校園方案比賽2020/21頒獎典禮特設分享環節,得獎隊伍將現場分享價值高達每隊 港幣100,000 元的獲獎意念。 Celebrating the achievement of three smart teams, the Smart Campus Solutions Competition...