樹名 (英文) | Albizia |
樹名 | 楹樹 |
別名 | 南洋楹 |
學名 | Albizia Chinensis |
科 | 含羞草科 (Mimosaceae) |
簡介 |
屬含羞草科常綠喬木,二回羽狀復葉,葉有腺體,頂生圓錐花序,花淡白。喜高溫多濕,對土壤要求不嚴,在適濕排水良好的紅壤及砂土能生長良好,愛光,不耐陰,抗風力弱,生長迅速,枝葉茂盛,適為蔭蔽樹;木材褐色,質柔軟,樹皮含單寧。大學本部,近教研樓有三棵大楹樹,是原生樹種,樹齡比大學還高,列入香港古樹名目冊。 This is an evergreen tree of the Mimosaceae family. Leaves are double compound, with glands. Pale white flowers occur in clusters at the end of branches. Numerous long white stamens make it look like a powder-puff flower. It favors higher temperatures and humidity, while not being too choosy for soil conditions. It grows best nonetheless in well-drained red and sandy soil. It also prefers sunshine to shade, and sheltered to wind-exposed area. Capable of rapid growth, it has dense leaves and branches, providing good shade. The wood is brown in color, soft in texture; bark contains tannin. Three native Albizia Chinensis exist near the Academic Building. They are older than the University itself. |