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The 4th I∙CARE Book Festival

CUHK Event | 06 March 2019

6 – 28 March 2019                             

The 4th I·CARE Book Festival —— Reading is Voyaging through Time and Space organised by the I‧CARE Centre for Whole-person Development (I‧CARE) has received staunch support from the CUHK community and the general public.  During the last couple of weeks, over 20,000 second-hand books were collected.  The response is overwhelming.


One of the segments of the 4th I·CARE Book Festival will be a ‘Book Crossing Fair’ co-organised by The Office of the Arts Administrator and I‧CARE.  During 11-18 March, the foyer of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall will be turned into a cosy reading area whereby CUHK students and staff may indulge in the sea of books.  Upon presentation of the CU Link, each participant is allowed to take away a maximum of 8 books for free.  The Festival will also consist of 'Book Talks', 'Preferential Offer of New Books' and other activities. Please click here to obtain more information. For enquiries, please call I‧CARE at 3943 8621 or email to icare@cuhk.edu.hk.

The 4th I∙CARE Book Festival


06 March 2019

6 – 28 March 2019                             

The 4th I·CARE Book Festival —— Reading is Voyaging through Time and Space organised by the I‧CARE Centre for Whole-person Development (I‧CARE) has received staunch support from the CUHK community and the general public.  During the last couple of weeks, over 20,000 second-hand books were collected.  The response is overwhelming.


One of the segments of the 4th I·CARE Book Festival will be a ‘Book Crossing Fair’ co-organised by The Office of the Arts Administrator and I‧CARE.  During 11-18 March, the foyer of Sir Run Run Shaw Hall will be turned into a cosy reading area whereby CUHK students and staff may indulge in the sea of books.  Upon presentation of the CU Link, each participant is allowed to take away a maximum of 8 books for free.  The Festival will also consist of 'Book Talks', 'Preferential Offer of New Books' and other activities. Please click here to obtain more information. For enquiries, please call I‧CARE at 3943 8621 or email to icare@cuhk.edu.hk.

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