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Green Student Society Scheme (SO Green!) – applications accepted till 20 Jun!

CUHK Event, Recruitment | 20 January 2018

Organizer: The Campus Planning and Sustainability Office

Funding for student organizations: Up to $1,000

Application deadline: 20 Jun 2018

Scheme period: Upon successful application – 31 Oct 2018

The Green Student Society Scheme (SO Green!) provides funding to student societies for greening their daily operations or implementing green projects/ green event measures. Funding of up to $1,000, on reimbursement basis, will be offered to participating student societies / groups for expenses during the Scheme period.

For funding requirements, participating student societies shall pledge to implement certain simple green actions as listed in the Scheme guidelines to make their operations and events greener during the Scheme period. The three societies that have fulfilled the highest number of green actions will receive the ‘SO Green!’ Award.

Due to limited quota, application will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis. Apply now if interested!

Green Student Society Scheme (SO Green!) – applications accepted till 20 Jun!

20 January 2018

Organizer: The Campus Planning and Sustainability Office

Funding for student organizations: Up to $1,000

Application deadline: 20 Jun 2018

Scheme period: Upon successful application – 31 Oct 2018

The Green Student Society Scheme (SO Green!) provides funding to student societies for greening their daily operations or implementing green projects/ green event measures. Funding of up to $1,000, on reimbursement basis, will be offered to participating student societies / groups for expenses during the Scheme period.

For funding requirements, participating student societies shall pledge to implement certain simple green actions as listed in the Scheme guidelines to make their operations and events greener during the Scheme period. The three societies that have fulfilled the highest number of green actions will receive the ‘SO Green!’ Award.

Due to limited quota, application will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis. Apply now if interested!

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