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Be a CU Green Buddy – Join now to receive a gift, all students and staff are welcome!

CUHK Event, CU Green Buddies | 20 September 2019

Be a CU Green Buddy – Join now to receive a gift, all students and staff are welcome!

Want to stay up-to-date with CUHK’s sustainability-related news and events and also help make our campus greener in your daily life? 

CU Green Buddies Scheme helps spread the message of sustainability on campus by:

  • Sending regular sustainability related updates to members;
  • Organizing FREE environmental related workshops, eco-tours and other green events for members; and
  • Encouraging students and staff to take up a greener lifestyle.

All students and staff are welcome to be a CU Green Buddy. (Please login with Staff / Student ID and CWEM password)

As a token of appreciation, the first 200 CUHK students and staff who sign up as new members starting from 20 September 2019 will receive Café 330 $20 voucher while the following 100 new members will receive a folder made from 100% recycled plastic bottles! (A separate confirmation email will be issued for gift collection.)





  • 與會員定期分享校内與可持續發展相關的資訊和活動;
  • 為會員舉辦免費環保相關的工作坊、生態遊及其他綠色活動;及
  • 鼓勵學生和教職員於日常生活奉行環保。

歡迎中大學生及教職員登記成爲中大綠色達人。(請用教職員 / 學生ID及CWEM密碼登入) 

為感謝計劃參加者的支持,2019920起,首200位新登記為中大綠色達人的中大學生及教職員可獲Café 330 $20禮券乙張其後100可獲以循環回收塑膠樽製造的文件夾乙個 (將收到另一封確認電郵換領禮品。)

Be a CU Green Buddy – Join now to receive a gift, all students and staff are welcome!


20 September 2019

Be a CU Green Buddy – Join now to receive a gift, all students and staff are welcome!

Want to stay up-to-date with CUHK’s sustainability-related news and events and also help make our campus greener in your daily life? 

CU Green Buddies Scheme helps spread the message of sustainability on campus by:

  • Sending regular sustainability related updates to members;
  • Organizing FREE environmental related workshops, eco-tours and other green events for members; and
  • Encouraging students and staff to take up a greener lifestyle.

All students and staff are welcome to be a CU Green Buddy. (Please login with Staff / Student ID and CWEM password)

As a token of appreciation, the first 200 CUHK students and staff who sign up as new members starting from 20 September 2019 will receive Café 330 $20 voucher while the following 100 new members will receive a folder made from 100% recycled plastic bottles! (A separate confirmation email will be issued for gift collection.)





  • 與會員定期分享校内與可持續發展相關的資訊和活動;
  • 為會員舉辦免費環保相關的工作坊、生態遊及其他綠色活動;及
  • 鼓勵學生和教職員於日常生活奉行環保。

歡迎中大學生及教職員登記成爲中大綠色達人。(請用教職員 / 學生ID及CWEM密碼登入) 

為感謝計劃參加者的支持,2019920起,首200位新登記為中大綠色達人的中大學生及教職員可獲Café 330 $20禮券乙張其後100可獲以循環回收塑膠樽製造的文件夾乙個 (將收到另一封確認電郵換領禮品。)

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